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katana was driving around in jah's black g wagon, it was late and she needed to clear her head so she went for a drive

she honestly had no idea where she was going or even where she was, all she knew is that she felt better. she was feeling overwhelmed by how fast everything in her life had been moving the past few months and just needed to calm herself

she drove until she saw a familiar spot, makeout hill. she drove off and parked near it before walking over to it and sitting down on the grass. she put her headphones on as she hit shuffle on her playlist and curious by pnd blasted through them

she looked up at the stars and pointed out the patterns in them to herself as she felt her edible kick in and she just laid back on the grass as she let the high overtake her. she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as she started to feel calm

her tranquility was swiftly interrupted by siri blaring in her headphones saying she had a facetime call, she groaned as she opened her eyes and picked up her phone to see it was a incoming call from jah

she answered it and held it up above her face as she watched his blue locs appear onto her screen, she titled her head and stared at him "hello?" she asked quietly and she saw him look down at the phone

"kat, ma where you at? it's late as shit and i'm just tryna make sure you good. also when you coming back?" he asked and she shrugged "i'm good, and i'll prolly be back around like 2" she replied as she looked at the time on her phone that read 1:21 am

jah sighed "baby did i do sum? i mean you seemed fine earlier but-" he started but she shook her head "no of course not, i just needed to clear my head and relax for a bit so i went on a drive. i promise we're good, i meant when i said i'd try my best to communicate how i was feeling. so if there was a problem i woulda told you already" she reassured him and he nodded as he felt relieved knowing they were still good

"okay coo, well just come home soon. it's late as fuck and niggas be weird so just be careful" he reminded her and she nodded "i will be, love youuuu" she dragged out and he laughed "i love you too" he replied before the two hung up

she put her phone back down as her song resumed and she continued to look up at the stars just as the song she was listening to changed, it was now star shopping by lil peep

she smiled to herself, she loved this song even if it made her cry sometimes. she sung out the song quietly as she tried to make shapes out of the stars, almost like she was playing a astronomical connect the dots game

she put the song on repeat as she let herself get lost in it and get lost in the moment she had created for herself for the next 20 minutes before she sat up and took her headphones off, she paused the music as she got up and walked back to the car

she got back in and started it before putting on streets by doja cat and putting jah's address in waze and she began driving there

she felt content, she had forgotten how calming late nights were to her. she hadn't drove around like this in years, mainly because she was always to mentally and physically drained to get out of her bed to even get to her car

but recently, she's felt better in the past month than she's felt in almost her whole life. jah was honoring every promise to her he's ever made, and in turn she was doing the same. she was genuinely working on herself, she wasn't lying to him or hiding how she was doing anymore, nor was she locking herself in rooms instead of just going to one of the people who care for her and asking for help

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