𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝟒 𝐦𝐞, 𝐚𝐦 𝐢 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲?

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katana was currently at home laying in bed, it had been about a week since the incident and 4 days since her abortion

everything had seemed to go back to normal, her mom came back home from europe, the trio was together again, and she started therapy. everything seemed fine

but it wasn't, not for her. nothing was fine, her mind had been racing for the last couple weeks. she had been feeling things she hadn't felt in so long and none of them were good things to feel. she was honestly severely depressed 

she didn't know why though, before any of this she was fine. she had been healing from all the things that had happened to her, so why now? why now did her brain decide to fail on her? why now is everything in her body working against her?

why the one time that she felt like she was loved? why not all the other times when nothing but bad things were happening to her? she had so many questions and no answers for them

kat had been in her head, desperately trying to pinpoint a route to this spiral she was having but every time she came up short. she was going through a episode, and this time there was no stopping it so she had to roll with it

she sat up from her bed and reached over to grab her phone, she opened it and saw it was 1:32 pm. she got up from her bed and walked into her bathroom

she stared at herself in the mirror, she looked like shit. you could tell she was going through it just by looking at her. she still looked so pretty in everyone else's eyes though

weirdly enough she felt comforted in the feelings of despair, she was so used to feeling like this that when she did it put her mind at ease in a sick and twisted way

she heard her phone vibrate and she picked it up, it was a text from jah telling her to come open the door. she didn't even know he was still in her city, she thought he would have went back to florida by now

she walked out of her bathroom and bedroom to go downstairs, when she reached the bottom step her cat mink, started circling her and she laughed at this

she politely stepped over her and went to open the door, when she opened it she saw jah standing there with a bouquet of flowers. he walked in and hugged her, she hugged him back "you okay mama? i haven't heard shit from you in 2 days" he stated as he pulled away and handed her the flowers

she took them and shrugged "not really but it is what it is"  she replied dismissively, she didn't want to say much because then jah would want to talk about it and she wanted to just sit in it until it dissolved

jah nodded as the two went upstairs, they went into her room and she closed the door behind them. he sat on her bed and she came over and sat next to him 

"what's wrong kat? everything was fine when you were in broward with me, then you come back, relapse, and go missing? what happened?" he asked sympathetically and she sighed 

"i honestly don't really know, it's like something just snapped and next thing i know i'm losing it. one minute i'm at home on the phone with you, next minute i'm at brit's passed out on the floor unconscious. i really don't know what's wrong with me right now" she replied softly as tears began running down her face

jah pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her as she buried her head in his chest and cried. she cried a lot which is something he noticed, but he also noticed how she had a lot to cry about. the more he learns about her, the more he learns how truly wrecked this girl really is. but she was worth fixing to him, she was his diamond in the rough 

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