𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐦𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞, 𝐦𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐚.

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kat had woke up in the middle of the night, still laying on jah's chest. she noticed he was still sleep so she got up carefully trying not to wake him

she grabbed her phone and went downstairs, she went into the kitchen and made herself a cup of water. she leaned against the island as she drank her water, scrolling on tiktok until she got a dm from someone

she hadn't recognized the account so she clicked on it wondering who it was and why they would dm her so late



jenesisgiselle hey, i know you don't know me but uhm me
and jah used to mess around and i've been trying to reach him
to tell him that i was pregnant but he hasn't been answering

kat's whole face dropped, pregnant? he had gotten a whole other bitch pregnant?? and after all that shit about how he loved her, and how he would never hurt her. he was just bullshitting



clitana ....

clitana when did y'all mess around for the last time?

jenesisgiselle like maybe a month ago? or a month and a half
smth like that

clitana oh.

clitana i'll tell him to text you.

jenesisgiselle thanks girlie 😊

she had felt sick after reading that, after all the shit they talked about. after all the i love you's and how much she meant to him, this is what is what he did. he was bout to have a whole baby on her

she put her cup in the sink and walked back upstairs and walked into her room, no longer worried about trying not to wake him

"mama, come back to bed" he mumbled sleepily as he turned to look at her and she mugged him as she crossed her arms over her chest

"who the fuck is jenesis and why the fuck did she just hit me up telling me she's pregnant with your fucking kid?" she asked him. "baby what are you talking about?" he replied and she laughed bitterly while biting her lip

"jahseh imma ask you one more time, who the fuck is jenesis? and don't play with me cus i'm not in the mood and i will put my hands on you if you lie" she told him flatly and he sat up to where he was facing her

"she's a girl i used to mess with, that's it. why do you care?" he questioned and she shrugged "oh i don't know, maybe cause she's fucking pregnant dumbass" she replied angrily and he shook his head

"there's no way it's mine if she is, i haven't messed with jen in like what 2 months" he told her and she laughed at this

"lemme see your phone" she asked and he nodded before unlocking it and handing it to her, she went to his messages and call logs but didn't really know what to look for because she didn't know what jenesis was saved under

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