finney ( fighting )

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" you think your sooo tuff because your a girl huh " moose says to me

" let's find out " i say smirking
" i'm gonna beat the shit out of you little girl " he says looking pissed

there are a circle of kids around us

including the boy i like
finney blake

i don't know where my brother bruce yamada is at
but he's not here
or else his friend vance would beat the shit out of moose for even talking to me

" swing you dipshit " i say to moose
he does

i duck and uppercut him

he hits the street sign behind him
and then he turns around and tries to swing at me again
but i grab his arm and kick his side

and he falls to the ground
" kick his ass y/n ! " i hear gwen yell
i punch moose

" hit him harder " i hear someone say

i punch moose over and over again

until someone pulls me off

" what the he- " im cut off by someone kicking me in the face

and then kicking my side

i can't even open my eyes because of how much dirt i got in them

my ear is ringing too

" get off my sister " i think i hear bruce yell and then punching the kid who kicked me in my side
in the face

vance comes and beats the living hell out of the kid

" y/n get up " bruce says picking me up
" h-holy shit " i say laughing with blood on my teeth
" i haven't felt pain in so long " " felt nice " i say laughing

bruce knows i have a crush on finney

" finney, would you be able to take y/n back to my house and just clean her up " i hear bruce say
" oh uhm yeah sure " finney says nervously laughing

him and bruce we're friends

" thanks " bruce says smiling and nodding at finney

" come on y/n " he says putting my arm around his shoulder and then carrying me all the way back to my house

" i'm gonna beat that kids ass again " i say
" i swear to god bruce i will " i say while trying to rub
the dirt out of my eyes
" but man did you see finney today ? he looked so cute " " with his handsome smile " i say laughing and rubbing my eyes

finney just smiles

" so we're not talking bruce ? " " listen he started it not me " i say rubbing my eyes
and finally being able to open them

" bruc- i look over to who i think is my brother but see finney

" finney ? i- i uhm " i say nervously laughing

i'm soo red
but my side hurts to much to walk away from finney so i'm stuck waking basically hugging him
" i didn't mean it " i say looking down

" you looked pretty today too " he says smiling at me

he unlocks the door and we go to the bathroom

i'm blushing hard because of how close he is to my face

i keep starring at his lips and then his eyes

" i'm gonna put rubbing alcohol on your cuts y/n " he says while putting the rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball

it burns
but i'm okay

" your uh gonna have to spit your blood down the sink " he says nervously

" can you hold my hair back for me " i say looking at his lips and then his eyes

" i- yeah " he says clearly nervous

i spit into the sink
" can you get me a class of water " i ask him
" yeah " he says walking into the kitchen

he comes back and hands it to me
i take a big sip and then spit it into the sink

" so uhm what i said earlier " i say
" i didnt mean to come off as weird or anything " " hopefully we can still be friends ? " i say while looking down

" or more " he says looking at me

" what ? " i say looking up at him
" friends isn't good for uhm.. us ? " " but dating is " he says smiling
" i- " he cuts me off by grabbing my hands and helping me stand up

" you should get some rest " he says while walking me to my room

" yeah " i say while opening my room door
and going into my closet and grabbing a shirt and pajamas pants

" can you turn around " i ask finney
" oh y-yeah sorry " he says while turning around

i put on the pajama pants but not the shirt
not yet..

" okay you can turn around " i say
he does

and i take off my shirt and put on the pajama one
i look over to finney
and he's blushing like crazy
" everything all right ? " i ask him while laughing
" i- i- uhm everything is- is good i'm fine " " ar- are you fine ? because i'm fine " he says clearly freaking out

i walk over to him and kiss him
" calm down " i say while playing with his hair

i get into bed
and finney gets up

" yo- you can stay if you want " i say
he turns around
" like in your bed ? " he says turning red and looking down

" it's a comfortable bed " i say laughing
he walks over to me and gets in my blanket

and i fall asleep in finney blake arms
the boy i've liked for the longest time

i don't know what we are but
were something
and i'm okay with that.


finney 🧎🏽‍♀️

thoughts ?

words : 897

time : 1:48 am

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