vance ( jealousy )

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me and vance hopper started getting really close to eachother maybe 3 weeks ago ??

he definitely likes me
and i definitely like him back

but today he decided to ignore me
for what reason ? i don't know

but i know exactly how to get his attention

i start to walk to vance's lunch table
when i see bruce yamada sitting at a table

i would've sat with vance but he's ignoring me
so the only way to get his attention is to do this

i walk over to bruce and sit down next to him
bruce is my bestfriend and he'll do anything to see vance get angry

i whisper something in his ear
" vance is ignoring me today, so let's make him jealous yeah ? " i ask

he nods
we get up and i grab his hand

i can feel vance eyeing me
me and bruce walk to the back of the lunch courts and sit down

" why is he ignoring you ? " he asks
" i really don't know " " he just stopped talking to me today " i say frowning

" what class do you have after this ? " he ask
" science " " you ? " i say

" history " he says
" you have ms cherry ? " i ask
" yeah she's so annoying " he says
" she really is " i say laughing

i see vance get up and start to walk over here
but i haven't even had fun yet

before he can get to us the bell rings
thank you school

i quickly get up
and grab bruces wrist and walk past vance
" so walk me to my class ? " i ask really loud so vance will here

" yeah sure y/n " bruce says loud too
he gets it
that's why he's my bestfriend
bruce hugs me and we start to walk to my class

vance is basically red with anger
this is fun
but not fun enough..

bruce walks me to my class

usually vance would because we have this class together
but you know

i sit down
and i see vance walk in
he sits next to me since we're partners for the science project that's due in a week

our teacher walks out of the classroom because she has to go to the printer

vance turns to me
" what the fuck was that ? " he asks clearly pissed off
" what was what ? " i ask
" don't be fucking stupid y/n " he says slightly yelling
but not loud enough so only 2 people look over at us

" i'm being honest i don't know what your talking about " i say shrugging my shoulders
" you and that fucker bruce ! " he yells
and this time it's loud enough for everyone to hear

" seriously vance ? " i say
i hear whispers coming from everyone

i hate people talking about me
" what about me and bruce ? " i ask rolling my eyes
" he hugged you- and- and you guys were laughing and he held your hand " he says frowning his eyebrows

he's mad again
" what about it ? " i say annoyed

" why is he touching you like that " he says
" why does it matter so damn much " i say a bit too loud

some people are starring at us
" why do you care ? you have no right to be annoyed with me when you were fucking ignoring me first ! " i yell

" y/n please take a few minutes outside of the classroom " my teacher says standing at the door way

when did she get there

" i'll take more than a few " i say grabbing my backpack
i dont look at vance at all while i'm grabbing my stuff

i walk to the door way
" thanks " i say to my teacher as i walk out

i'm walking down the hall
" stupid vance " i say under my breath
i sit down next to my locker

she did say take a few minutes out of class
but i think i'll just take the whole class

vance has no right to be mad at me just because he's jealous

it's his fault he ignored me
i was just trying to get his attention

i go to all my classes and then start to walk out since the final bell rang

i feel someone tug on my backpack and i almost fall backwards
i turn around

" what do you want vance " i say turning back around and continuing to walk
" i just wanted to say i'm sorry " he says
" for igno- " but before he could finish bruce comes up from behind me and hugs me
then to make matters worse he carry's me and spins me

i should've told him that we can stop that now
" bruce put me down " i say quickly
he puts me down

i look at vance
and he looks like he wants to kill bruce

" vance calm d- " vance cuts me off
" she likes me " he says pulling me over to him

he puts his arms around my waist
and kisses me

this isn't really how i expected my first kiss to be like but it's still good
we pull away from eachother
i'm blushing like crazy
" first kiss then ? " he asks

" what no.. i've done this plenty of times " i say
looking away from him
" but touch y/n again, and i wil- " i cut him off
" we did that so i could get your attention because you were ignoring me, bruce doesn't like me because he likes l- " my mouth is covered by bruce's hand

" y/n you said you wouldn't tell anyone " he says nervously smiling

" remember ? " he says taking his hand off my mouth
" right.. but bruce likes someone else not me so you don't need to go full pinball vance on him " i say slightly laughing

" fine " vance says rolling his eyes

" so what are we y/n ? " bruce asks playfully
he gets on one knee
" marry me ? " he says laughing

" oh my god " i say laughing too
i push his face away from me

i turn to vance
and see him on one knee too
" im always an option ? marry me instead " he says slightly laughing

" not you too " i say rolling my eyes and laughing
i push his face away from me too

they stand up and we start to walk again
" so was that a no orr ? " bruce asks
" it was a no for you but a yes for me bruce " vance says smirking

" go ask lily " vance says
bruce stops walking
" y/n.. why does he know " bruce says frowning
" sorry but he figured it out " i say sighing
" this is why i didn't marry you " bruce says pushing me away from him

" hey, i said no to both of you guys ! " i say laughing
" vance do you remember her saying no ? " bruce asks

vance shakes his head
" nope " he says

" we said no to you y/n, thanks tho " bruce says

vance pushes me back a little bit and him and bruce start to run away from me

" you shit heads get back here " i yell while running after them


brance confirmed ??! 😮😮

kidding but thoughts guys ?

just got done with my TRF for avid
gonna end it all

words : 1187

time : 11:56 pm

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