vance ( clean up )

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i walk into the grab in go

vance hopper is playing the pinball machine like always

we have 2 classes together
we talk most of the time

he's a handsome guy but hes mean to everyone
except for the girls at are school

i guess hes very respectful for girls
but not the guys

" hey vance " i say as i walk past him
" yeah hey " he says focused on his game

i walk to grab a pepsi

i hear a thud and then vance yell
" that's my game fucker "

trust me you don't want to mess with his game

i turn to look at what's going on

when i'm hit in the nose by someone's elbow ?
i don't know i didn't get to see

i lose my balance and fall to the ground
which causes me to hit the back of my head on the ground

" shit " i say laying there

my head hurts like hell
i see vance fighting a boy and i don't know what happened to the other one

he carves something into the kids hand and flips him off

he goes back to his game
i start to sit up

he turns his head to me
" oh shit y/n ? " he says running over to me

my vision is blurry
" yo- you know my name ? " i ask

" we have history and language arts together " " we talk all the time in that class, that's why we're failing " he says laughing
" did you forget ? " he ask
" i- vance ? " i say confused

he looks down at the floor
and his eyes widen

" holy shit your head- your bleeding from your head " he says

" here get up " he say lifting me up

he wraps his arm under my shoulder
so he's helping me walk

" is it okay if we go to my house ? i know how to clean you up " he says smiling

i nod

my vision is getting better

" my head hurts " i say
i can barley walk on my own

" shit uhm here " he says
he makes me sit down on the sidewalk

and he takes out a cloth
" why do you have that in your pocket " i say looking down

" i get in a lot of fights it's for my knuckles " he says grabbing my chin

" hold still " he says bending down to my level

he tries to wrap it around my head

but it's too small

" i-i have a bandana in my pocket we could've just used that " i say slightly laughing

" i think that will work " he says

i grab it out of my pocket

he ties it around my head
" is it good ? " he ask

" i think so " i say smiling

" screw it " he says
" stand up " he says holding his hands out

i grab his hands
i stand up and as soon as i do

he picks me up

and starts to run to his house

i don't mind
hopefully we don't eat shit

we get to his house and he puts me down
" come in " he says opening the door for me

i walk inside
" it's cute " i say looking around

" bathroom " he says pointing to what i'm guessing
is the bathroom

we walk over to there
" just sit down on the toilet " he says grabbing something from a drawer

he lifts my chin up

he really is handsome
he rubs something on my nose
" ow " i say flinching

" yeah yeah " he says throwing the cotton ball away
" your head, turn around " he says

i turn around
" shit " he says grabbing more rubbing alcohol
" am i going to die from blood loss or something " i ask laughing
" it's not that bad just a little bit of blood " he says rubbing the alcohol on my head

it doesn't sting

" your shirt is bloody " he says looking down at me

i stand up
" i have some shirt that you can wear " he says walking out of the room

" here " he says grabbing a shirt and handing it to me

" do you want me to turn around.. or " he says smirking

i take off my shirt
and put on his

" ah " he says smirking even harder
" can i lay down ? " i ask looking at his bed
" only if can join " he says laughing

" i don't like bugs in my bed " i say laughing

i walk over to his bed
" this is my bed " he says getting into it

i get into it too

i never would've thought i would be sleeping in vance hoppers bed

i mean i barley know him
okay maybe i know him a lot

he smells nice though

his room is clean
his bed is soft
his hands
his pillow
his hair
his lips


comment request !!

sorry if this was bad

i started schools today so that sucks

words : 8:02

time : 3:51

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