champagne problems. - c. seager

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yeah so this one has a sad ending. sorry in advance.
matt chapman next xx

"Hey you," Corey grinned as I opened my front door. He was finally home for Christmas.

The last few years he'd spent his Christmases in LA with his teammates. It wasn't like I was never invited to them, I just preferred to be with my family.

I enveloped him into a huge hug before grabbing a few Christmas presents from off the floor and followed him outside, shutting the door behind me.

We've only been together for three years or so, but I've known him since I could talk. He lived across the street from me and would always throw snowballs at my window to purposely scare me.

Nonetheless though, here I was with my hand in his as we walked across the street to his parents house.

As always, I drowned in his blue eyes each time he looked at me. Smiled when he did. And couldn't look away.

Our relationship was especially tough this year because we had to pick up and transition everything to Texas. I had to quit my job, and while Corey was traveling or playing baseball I frequently was flying into LA to get everything packed.

It was an all-around hectic experience, but I couldn't be more happy that we were together again. Well, not just together again. But it was just like old times.

We happily glided up the stairs of Corey's parent's front porch before pushing the door open and going inside.

As soon as we walked in Corey's whole family wrapped me in huge hugs. They already all seemed a little buzzed, which was irregular since none of them were big drinkers.

I thought nothing of it though, figuring it was Christmas Eve and everyone deserves to have a little fun.

After, we sat down at the counter with his mother as she poured me a glass of wine. I thanked her, and then we began to chat.

Our conversations were always nice. Mrs. Seager was always a very down to earth woman. She never swore or raised her voice. She was a perfect mother.

The conversation branched off in several different directions, but we soon came to the topic of marriage.

"So when are you two gonna get married?" she smugly grinned, looking from me to Corey.

"Oh, I—" I started. The room full of people felt like it stopped and went quiet.

"Well, we were talking about when I was settled and at a more stable point in my career." Corey grinned brightly over to me. He most definitely was at a very stable point in his career.

I, however, wasn't ready for marriage. Hell, I hadn't even thought about it.

My hand shook a little as I set down my glass of wine and smiled along with Corey's comment. I was beginning to feel a little light headed and dizzy.

"I'm gonna go grab a breath of fresh air, alright?" I softly asserted, nodding to Corey and Mrs Seager as I got up and went towards the front door.

I walked outside at an almost rapid pace. Unfortunately, I couldn't have made it any less obvious I was upset.

Corey followed me outside almost immediately. Moments after I closed the front door he opened it and came outside into the freezing snow.

"Hey, hey, hey, Y/N — are you alright?" he asked, resting a hand on my shoulder before using his other to move my face towards his.

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