(hc) what to do on their free time (fixed)

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Futaomote Masashige is her mother.
She enjoys talking to you while roaming around the maze you both sometimes stumble across Shaku (one of her main friends) and they end up walking all together talking about things they would like to do if they weren't monsters.
Will play you songs under the blossom tree and have a nice picnic overall she would sometimes teach you how to use biwa since you seemed a little interested but she would sometimes invite Kuriko Masashige to the picnics because their friends (also Kaito Masashige is her dad.)
_|Kuriko Masashige|________________________
Since their hair is long they sometimes they let you make a braid and they keep it on when hunting anyone else down well until it's to tangled to keep on. Sometimes when your walking around she will pop out from the roof to scare you (if you get scared she will laugh and tease you about it) if you don't welp at least she tried.also will make you go to picnic's with biwaki.
-|Kaito Masashige|_________________________
Sometimes he will play a tune just for you under a tree (it can be romantic or not idc) he will sometimes teach you how to use it just cuz,
You also always call him "Michael Jackson" or "hee hee man" which he doesn't know who he is
But let's it slide anyway he sometimes likes to pop out from a tree to scare you (which ends up with him being punched in the face or screamed at. idk you chose the reaction) sometimes you two enjoy laying down at a tree and watching the moon pass by.
_|Keiko Masashige|_________________________
She's YOUR mom she misses you and her old self. will often weep about it and tries to protect you "so remember when you were little?" "You were the most cutest thing alive.."
"Your father and I met in.." and will often worry about you but she knows your big enough to be alone it's just her guilt ties her down as a mother. Absolutely would destroy sama if she could.
_|Daku Masashige|_________________________
That's your dad. Whenever you two chat it's awkward "you know your mother doesn't look to ba-" you end up starring at him like he's a creep
"You know sonny if I were you,I would be glad I wasn't turned into a freaky monster." Always coughs you sometimes ask why he replies with a "my throat is dry." Once you saw your parents almost making out you were traumatized for life
_|Enzukai (jealousy)|________________________
Would obviously talk about how beautiful and amazing you are but sometimes take their anger out of you with hurtful words. You sometimes
Ask if their cold which they laugh it off as you being a idiot (not true by the way) and will often throw hands with other people if they shit talk about you. Likes it when you pet them a chance your gonna hear them pur under your hand (loves it when you scratch near their cheekbone) they sometimes get upset for being in love (confused mad) absolutely shit talks about sama and other people not the evil god tho.sometimes their creator (evil god) will visit them and will see you (idk if they can actually see) and Enzukai will be embarrassed about it
_|Kusonoki Masashige|_____________________
The one adult to actually teach you about usage of katanas and is happy that your doing well,
Oh boy he's gonna talk to your father about that,
That's embarrassing you.you also have talked about guns with him Teaching him how to use them and different types and how to unarm someone that has one. Of course Kusonoki Masashige was impressed about it.also you have taught him what a 'video game' is he has raged at least two times but has apologized to literal children.loves to watch you and his daughter Shaku. Play with dolls together and have his own daughter tell you what to do (innocently)
_|Megumi Masashi|________________________
In all means will read books with you and recommend some if your even interested you once asked about a book about katanas (requested by Kusonoki Masashige since he said reading it would be easier to stick in your brain) and she got you at least 4 books about It
You also teached her about computers but her heads to long :(
Nice to study with overall.
Is a statue.
You sometimes put hats or scarfs on her for fun
She enjoys your company and cannot speak cuz it's a statue.
She enjoys telling you what to do and belittling you,but if you enjoy that type of thing she will find you amusing.she loves to gossip about people but hates it when they do it to her.
She also finds you amusing if you beg to her
(Not sexually but if so,I think your creepy)
She likes to piss off Kusonoki Masashige about you even hanging out with a monster and if you defend him she'll get upset.loves it when you call her pet names and gift her expensive things (if you two are in a relationship) probably a toxic ex or something or friend

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