Futao - [[mote]]_(impulsive side)

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Asked by ( @ImSoCoolChyren2 )
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You hid Inside a small house where futao and mote passed and walked along
You looked at both directions before quickly walking.
It was cold and there was only streetlights around you could even see your breath as you quickly ran to the other little shelter.
You just needed a butterfly..
You peeked a little humming coming closer..
Then far again.
You sighed. That was the impulsive side.
You peeked again quickly before hiding.
And then peeking again.
You saw nothing.
You backed off a little standing.
You saw the (calm) side pass by before hearing the footsteps fade away..
You get out reaching your arm for the butterfly but fail.
Only grabbing the invisible air..
"God dammit." You fell frustrated just by a little.
You run to a long path before hearing laughter again but coming from behind.
"Ah, CRAP-" you kinda needed to learn how to NOT yell when your hunter is around.
You start shaking a little before fully sprinting to find a shelter the music play and the laughter is after you.
Your breath is now visible.
And you yern for safety.
You became exhausted again and almost tripped yourself but sped run to the shelter that was now found.
The laughter laughed louder something
Grabbed your collar and yanked you to a wall slamming you and making you lose your breath for a little.
You grabbed your collar to try and get air the monster taller then you watched.
You kept struggling until it let go dropping you
Falling again you huffed and tried to keep your breathing pattern normalized.
It looked a bit like it was feeling bad for you.
It kept shaking it's head it's face scrunching in anger before reaching to you again.
You luckly moved to the right and tried to get up and run but something slashed your back making you fall to your side and painfully huddle shaking lightly.
You looked at it as it looked down at you.
One of their arms stretching to you trying to help while the other scythe was on the ground
"Please.. it makes me upset when you try and run. It's so frustrating to chase you around. That face."
You froze trying not to piss her off more.
"That face is so pathetic it's a little annoying." Her head twitching a little.
"I do apologize. For that new scar. I cannot control my sudden repulse."
You sat now but your back stung making your face scrunch up in pain before laying on your right arm so it wouldn't hurt as much.
Mote just stared before reaching to you and grabbing your collar so you could properly stand but that hurt you too.
"Thanks.. and uh, are there any med kits here?"
Mote looked down at you.
They grabbed your collar again before just carrying you with their right arm while crouching a little for the other scythe you grabbed their cloth trying not to fall
Your back stung again you just slumped in exhaustion, you began to feel the cold air lightly rush from your back and the heavy footsteps that grew louder a small angery huff from mote.
She probably has another impulse before she came back to a steady breathing pattern.
"Here. I cannot fit so you can do it yourself."
You plopped down painfully
Before thanking her and heading inside.
While you just bandaged your back she was busy slashing a wall as that's the only thing standing.
" I HATE YOU . "
Is what you heard. Once you finished putting on your shirt and (and if you wear a coat)
Back on and heading out to see a huffing mote and a 4 slashed wall.
She turned her head to see you.
"Just a impulse." "Also stop looking at me like that you look stupid."
You looked around before stepping out
"So, to free you I gotta run around and get some puzzles done but I also need your butterfly. Like the souls?"
She leaned down to your level and took out a butterfly.
"Please do. I don't entend to stay as this, freak anymore."
You grabbed it before thanking her and running off she got up again while grabbing her scythe
And stalking you which made you uncomfortable.
But you found the calm side (futao)
Walking to him but she suddenly had mote run to her and just grabbed something before pushing her away as the calm side was confused but walked off.
She walked to you her left arm holding the two scythes the right holding a butterfly.
"Please take it fast my one hand cant hold two scythes." Her hands shaking a little trying to keep holding them.
You grab the butterfly and she quickly grabs the other scythe before looking down at you again.
"How's your back."
"Oh, it's fine now still stings a little."
You said smiling a little.
"Now please hurry."
You nodded before running off.
Alright hopefully that was alright.
I'm fuckin rusty and can't remember most of it (it's night for me so I can't make proper
Research so apologies!!

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