(hc) romantic relationship thingy (fixed)

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Alright remember I don't do anything sexual it's only gonna contain what they like and overall what they enjoy doing with you as a couple.
Also for this one you won't be in the family tree cuz that would be illegal.

_|Kaito Masashige|_________________________
He likes to play music for you under a tree in a romantic way. Does he try to sing? Probably.
If your a singer then he would be pleased to hear your voice he likes to walk around the trees with you and talk about things.will teach you how to use the biwa the two of you don't really know how to Dance but you both try awkwardly
If your taller then him he will sometimes rest his head on your shoulder when sleepy,but if your short he will carry you around cuz why not?
You ask him to "hee hee" and when he does you say "it's Michael Jackson!?" With a fake shocked face you obviously taught him how to do the moon walk you lied about him being attractive when he did it.
_|Kusonoki Masashige|______________________
He knew you were tough to fight on your own but he worries about you as his fiance,if his hair was long (or at least long enough) he would let you tie it into a ponytail with some little decoration like a flower or something you both mastered with using a katana but you also weld a gun and often you teach him how to aim he finds it cute when his daughter Shaku was playing tag with you once he would have cried
Boy if someone talks dirty to you he'll be behind them waiting for them to turn around and meet their fate.often bigs gifts for you and his daughter he just earned a kiss from you
Whenever he's upset and you bring him tea he might think he's real lucky AHAHA
A gentlemanly kiss on the hand when greeting eachother or whatever he needs to go it's a quick pick on the mouth and off he goes!

She enjoys eating food with her and gets embarrassed when she gets hungry again.
She likes to watch you cook food for her
But she can't really braid her hair since it's over the place..she felt sad about that one she often feels guilty for being in a relationship when she clearly is a monster but you tell her that you were ok with it! You always comfort her with a hug and kiss on her forehead which makes her feel better she enjoys hugging you and feeling safe and not isolated.

Now this dude has an ego. He will sometimes lock you between him and his scythe and stare into your eyeballs it could be 1.you think he's being creepy or 2.you find that attractive or 3.you shove his flirt back at his face with you doing something attractive back.he brags about being a king and will sometimes have you sitting on his lap at the throne cuz he's cocky
Idk if he would really act like this but he looks like the dude too.but if someone defeats him you'll be holding his fucking skull but holding his head not hair (now you could but that's for you to decide)

Please spill the tea. He likes to watch the shores with you as you talk about things (like how's it like being a human?) Will often invite you to his house and serve you food and drinks
(If you don't like alcohol there's always tea)
Will often tell you that you look stunning (now if you say it back to him later he will feel great.)
Will sometimes talk about how brave you are like damn you killed off a huge women by yourself! But your a busy person and often have to leave HA fear not for starvation he's got you covered with a small meal! You thank him which makes him feel special yeah he doesn't understand why he feels like that

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