chrismas is around the corner and so is the demon waiting for bad children

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How it all started...

Your little brother was being a bitch all year around yelling at Fortnite and kicking you in the leg whenever he got grumpy at you.
You wanted to die so badly.
Your parents tried to put him in his place but they also kinda failed.
"Couldn't you just behave for once you little rat?"
Your brothers face scrunched in frustration at you
"I cannot control it [name] and besides you Aren't my MOM."
You looked at him in my eyes with a slightly offended look.
"Well I might not be your mom I am your guardian and I am forced with the task of making you behave and protect you."
Your brother looked a little defeated but he kept his ground trying to convince you that it's not his fault he keeps yelling at his tablet
"It's a game-"
"Then get off it punk." You interrupted
". . . " He looked offended
"Or I'll tell dad. You know about dad."
He looked hopeless and dropped off of Fortnite sighing frustratingly.
"Thanks." You walked out of the room and into yours. It was almost Christmas.
And your brother was trying to behave more, you understood little children have massive issues controlling their frustrations and honestly you could care less.
You came back to the door and opened it sliding yourself into your room and closing it you walked to your small corner for art and sat and continued drawing on your notebook, you didn't like begging at all.
But you for fun, wrote a small Christmas wishlist for some stuff.
You sighed getting up and stretching a little before heading to the door and a slowish pace your footsteps made a thumping sound as you slumped to the door and opened it, a longish hallway to the tree was commencing.
You got put closing your door and walked past your brothers room past the bathroom and finally to the tree.
It was glowing brightly.
You would have felt hope and love to the tree but that doesn't stick.
You knew Santa was fake. So yeah ruined festivity IG.
You placed the list next to the tree and retreated back to your room feeling embarrassed.
Your brother probably did the same as his room door opened as well some minutes After you retreated
Your parents talked to him a little and asked about his behavior, they even playfully warned him about, Krampus.
That, goat thingy on old drawings.
Yeah. That guy. Furry looking guy, he can be human just isn't as human tho.
You drew just one picture.
It kinda sucked yeah, but you tried your best you honestly did.
Once that was out of the way you're brother called you over for dinner so you got up defeated and headed over to eat with your family..
You washed your dishes your mother went out for a little and your father just told you he could do it for you.
But you insisted but no that was to kind.
You walked back to your room once you walked back you opened your rooms door and entered while closing your door lightly.
You kinda hated how you had to do so much before getting a nap.
So you walked to the bathroom on slight annoyance to brush your teeth before actually being able to take a small nap.
After brushing around your mouth and grabbing the cup and filling it up with water and doing the usual brushing your teeth routine you dryed your hands with a small towel and headed out closing your bathroom door shut.
You walked to the rooms lights and flashed them off before walking back to your bed and comfortablely laying and slowly falling asleep...
God darn It..
Why was he yelling again?
You got up your hair messy.
Well, at least now you have a reason to go after him again.
Probably play "krampus on him."
You got up walking to your door and slowly Opening the door.
You tiptoed across the hallway to see that your brothers door is open already..
"What the fuck?" You whisper to yourself.
You walked trying not to make a sound to the living room where the Christmas tree was..
You saw something, a bag? Why was it moving a little?
You stood next to the tree looking at the thing before you grabbed your phone and took a quick picture of it before putting it away quickly.
"Uh, excuse me? Who might you be? And apologies for my rudeness as you eat Santa's cookies but are you.. uh, krampus?? Or something-"
"Yes." You shut up quickly
"Ah, nice to know thanks anyway, imma scram."
You turned and slowly walked away before you heard it turn around probably looking at you
"I was expecting you to scream or something, like a "oh god it's the, demon!!"
"But instead you look so happy that I got rid of your only brother.. certainly strange."
You stopped turning to see his cryptic face
Those yellow eyes reminded you of a snowy owl.. huh.
"I mean, yeah. What? Want a trophy? Or is that dead body one?"
Kramp looked a little offended for a minute
"Dont insult me I can kill you too."
"Whatever, says the one eating Santa's cookies. That's certainly naughty right there."
You walked off laughing internally he looked so dumbfounded with your remark he just slowly looked at the tree and headed off.
Actually you couldn't sleep at all.
"Your room is so disgusting, what is that stash anyway?"
You lay there crying internally
"Please keep your paws or claws or whatever you call them AWAY from my coat collection."
"Very rude, also their H A N D S."
"Yeah, yeah whatever you call em pal."
You tried to sleep again.
"This generation has to much of those "oh look demon cool looking dude" teens.
I cannot scare anyone anymore."
"Yeah because there's no reason since their not being hunted down."
"Your little brother was one of them."
"Ah." You assumed that was why you heard a small scream. Huh.
"Welp you gotta deal with pal, and one way is to fucking leave me alone."
You closed your eyes again.
"Acting like that is certainly gonna get you stuck with me, [name]."
"WHAT." You slightly scream looking at the eyes that sit across from your bed
"How, do you know MY name bro."
"Bro? Please. It's easy I know everyone's name."
You could tell he was trying to be "hip" with gen Z lmao.
"Ah, I see so you are a creep."
"Excuse me?"
"Sorry, 3am mood." You layed back down trying to sleep again.
"Just because Santa may put you in a nice list doesn't mean you will never be In mine."
"Stop trying to be cryptic it's exhausting."
"You'll regret acting like that [name]
You'll see."
He practically stomped off making you cringe but you thought about it before sleeping again.
You woke up with your mother shaking you awake.
"Hun are you alright?"
Her face showed worrie.
"Yeah, I'm alright mom.. what happened?"
Clearly playing dumb.
"Your father took your brother to the hospital after he got out of nowhere apparently severally injured, im glad nothing happened to you."
You yawn a little, nodding
"Hopefully he comes out ok."
Your mother nodded and said the same before remaking that she will make some lunch for you. Before work.
You thought he adducted and killed your brother, why the hell was that bag moving then??
You got up sitting on your bed and looked around you wondered if it was just a dream or he actually meant what he said.
Or if anything that happened that night happened...

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