So a guy died and ended up replacing Saji in dxd World, But the things is, Will he let boob lover get
ahead of him? or will he be the alpha here
i honestly think DxD team never did justice to virtra so i think i will write one story about him.
A month passed since Sona was attacked by masked man.
And Kazutora got his all gears back and awakened virtra.
He has been training to master all of his gear since then,Virtra is helping him to use all of his abilities and gears.
And he have mastered Negotion feild and black prison already.
While absorption line is not mastered yet by him.
But its enough mastery to unlock balance breaker.
Which he did, Since his body is trained unlike a certain pervert who unlocked his balance breaker in twenty days.
While kazutora had more than a month and Years of training so it was a piece of cake for him.
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Ignore the person in background, Just see the armour.
Its jet black in colour with purple aura sorrounding it.Its sick.
And also, Kazutora is training yuuma as well.
She gained another pair of Wings, So she now have 4 wings.
Which is pretty good, She can beat akeno easily now.
Akemo had two wings and now one after becoming devil.
Currently, Both Kazutora and Yuuma were in school Attending classes.
Only yuuma was attending it actually our boy kazutora was sleeping like usual.
And Kazutora had noticed that issei is not here today.
So he figured out that he maybe training to fight riser.
He don't care about him anyway.
But beating riser can be fun especially humilating him in front of everyone.
At the thaught he is thinking about it a lot.
He was in his mindscape
"What do you say otherself, Should i crash at riser's marraige?"Kazutora asked
"It will fun if you ask me"Virtra said
"How so? "Kazutora asked
"We can humilate him and Show how weak devils are or who knows we can even beat ddraig once again now that he will be in his crimson armour"Virtra said
"Tell me something otherself"Kazutora said and Virtra asked"Whats do you wanna know otherself"
"If i snatched his jewel will you be able to copy his boost technique"Kazutora asked and Virtra thaught and said"I can but it will take time.. Few weeks or even longer, I will have to copy ddraigs DNA to make another jewel with same property for us, We cannot exactly use ddraigs jewel but albion can, and Vice-verse but i am sure i can make a replice of it, Otherself"
"Thats amazing otherself, So i will be snatching both ddraig and albions jewels then"Kazutora and Virtra both grinned.
Partner in crime can describe these two.
"I want to know one more thing, Otherself"Kazutora said and Virtra asked"What is it you wanna know, Otherself"
"In my armour i also have a jewel at my chest so if i used my aura to attack will it be able to rival ddraigs or albions"Kazutora asked
"If its aura than it totally depends on user not gears, But if its Not then it depends on gears but once we get those juicy jewels we will be also a longinus level or maybe even higer, Super longinus when mastered ddraig and albions powers"Virtra said while grinning at thaught
"Than its decided, Otherself we are crashing at party"Kazutora declared and Virtra reminded"Make sure to snatch that juicy jewel"
"Thats my first priority"Kazutora said as he came out of his mindscape and waited for school to over.
After school was finished he was walking to home with yuuma and he asked"Hey yuuma can you go to underworld? "
"Yes every fallen angel can go to underworld but we are attacked by devils when we go there"Yuuma said
"Can you send me there? "He asked and she nodded"I can but why you wanna go there"
"I have a party to crash"That was all he said and yuuma didn't even tried to pry more.
Later after reaching house, He went to underworld to check on riser and stuff
And he found out that its still five days for rating game.
And marriage will be two days later that makes 7 days.
So he have a whole weeks before to crash in party.
So he began training so he could use his dark cursed flames like sirjechs uses his power of destruction.
He had done a lot of tests and found out his dark cursed flames are stronger than Power of destruction that rias uses.
Its still weaker to sirjechs but far higher than venelana and rias even combined.
But his goal is to make his flames as strong as Lucifers power of destruction no his goal is to surpass him.
He knows it will surely take time but now he needs to work on his darkness manipulation because he already have mastered cursed flames.
And Dark cursed flames is a mixture of both of them.
So he needs to train his darkness manipulation for now and Training begins.