Chapter One

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(What she is wearing with her hair down and curled, without the bag, jacket and the earings)

Orla's P.O.V

Being one of three new bombshell is absoultly nerve wracken, I suppose it could be worse though, I could be coming in by myself.

I greet the two girls that I am coming into the villa with, we actually get along alright considering the fact that we didn't have long to talk before we had to do the whole walking in slow-mo thing up the drive.

When we finish that we are each escorted to seperate tables just outside the villa entrance, where we wait for the dates that the public picked for us. Ekin-su then called out loud enough so we could both hear her '' good luck girls.'', causing me to laugh lightly and reply with Afia '' Good luck.''

When I turned back around I started nervously playing with my hands but snapped out of it at the sound of footsteps. I heard him introduce himself to Ekin-su, Afia then he started walking over to me, causing me to turn around to face him, ah Jesus he is cute. He then greeted me saying '' Hi, you alright?''

I stood up whenever he got closer to give him a hug and replied saying '' Yeah i'm grand, what about you?'' he then kissed both my cheeks before walking over to his seat saying '' Yeah, I'm good thanks. Really good. You look stunning by the way.''

This causes me to blush slightly, but not enough that it's really noticeable, while sitting back down, before saying '' aww thank you, you don't look so bad yourself.'' causing him to laugh slightly, before jokingly saying '' well I tried'' leading to us both laughing.

He then says '' I'm Liam'' causing me to smile and say '' I'm Orla, nice to meet you. You excited?'' leading him to say '' Yeah, you?'' which I reply with ''Yeah''

Liam seemed to perk up at this a bit and say '' yeah, you should be, you should be.'' this caused me to laugh lightly saying '' Oh really, well we will have to make sure this is a good date then, you've talked it up now.'', he then puts on a fake nervous face and says ''oh no, I've raised your expectations now, have a lot to live up to.'' causing me to agree before we both start laughing.

I then ask him ''Are you from Wales?'' causing him to say '' Yeah, why is the accent that bad ?'' while laughing, I then reply with '' No it's actually not, I've heard a lot worse. I'm actually from Wales as well. ''. Liam then says '' No way, actually, that's mad, I was thinking to myself she sounds a bit welsh but she also sounds irish as well so I didn't know where you where from.'' I then reply saying '' Yeah I get that a lot, It's cause my dad is welsh but my mum is irish so I slightly picked up the accent.'' Liam then says '' so where abouts in Wales are you from then? '' causing me to reply with ''Bangor, what about you? '' he then says '' Aw nice, I'm from Newport''

Liam then asks me '' What do you do then? Do you work or are you going to uni?'' causing me to say '' I'm currently doing my masters in physiotheropy, I have one more year left. What about you ? '' he then replied with '' I've just got my, uh, masters degree in strength and conditioning.''. I then say '' Ooh, so both kinda sports related. Thats something we have in comon then'' causing him to smile and say '' Yeah thats three things already, I'd say we are doing well.'' I then laugh and say '' Oh, your keeping count already then.'' before we both start laughing.

We continue to talk about our degrees, what drew us to that and stories about university. The more I talk to him the more intrested I am getting, I actually feel like he is listening to me and is paying attention to what I am saying becuase he is asking me questions about my stories and things that I love and I do the same back to him. We just kept laughing about everything and anything throughout the date, making me want to keep getting to know him. He tells me about his situation in the villa and who is coupled up with who.

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