Chapter Five

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Orla's P.O.V

Once the recoupling was over me, Gemma, Paige, Tasha, Indiyah and Afia went over to the mini firepit for a chat. I sat beside Tasha and cuddled into her a bit with her doing the same back. Afia started the conversation by saying '' That was intense.'' causing us all to agree with her and Gemma to say ''I know it was so intense, but I am literally so buzzing for you. I feel like it's the perfect situation.''  Paige then says '' Girls literally, you know standing up there and being one of  the last two is like, you know where at school and you have to pick a netball team and your the last person and your like 'OH MY GOD', I'd rather not. Literally, it was literally like that.'' with Afia agreeing with her.

Tasha then says '' But, babe, some guy bombshells might be on the way.'' causing both Paige and Afia to say '' I hope so.'' I then say '' Lets pray for you.'' causing them to start laughing. Paige then raises her glass in a cheers motion causing the rest of us to do the same ''to bombshells'' before taking a drink. We all start getting up and going into the kitchen for some food, Tasha then went to talk to Andrew, with Gemma going with Luca not long after.

Liam pulled me for a chat soon after that as well, we went over to the mini firepit, with Liam sitting in the corner causing me to say '' Is this your spot in the villa then?'' causing him to look confused and say ''What?'' making me start laughing and say '' Anytime you are sat here that is where you sit.'' he joins me laughing before saying '' I suppose it is.'' I then say '' I'll know where to find you.'' causing him to agree and say '' Exactly.''

He then says to me '' You happy I picked you then?'' causing me to look at him and say '' sorry, did we not have this conversation earlier today? Or something similar?'' causing him to start laughing. I then say '' I know what you are trying to do, you are trying to recreate the conversation where we almost kissed before the text came through.'' He replies with '' Alright, you caught me. I really want to kiss you.'' this causes me to blush before saying '' Nope, your gonna have to wait some more.'' leading to him jokingly groaning in annoyance.

I then say to him '' You look good tonight.'' causing him to look shocked before he says '' Do I ?'' making me say '' Yes, during the recoupling I just kept looking at you and thinking he looks fit.'' causing him to start laughing. He then says '' You look stunning tonight. Could barely keep my eyes off you. '' making me blush again, and start smiling before thanking him.

He pulls me closer to him so that I am under his arm, while saying ''Can't wait to have a proper cuddle tonight.'' making me say '' What, did last night and this morning not count?'' causing him to say back '' Last night was only half cuddle, but this morning that was a wasn't a good one as well.'' causing me to look up at him in shock before I say '' Oh is that right? You won't be getting any form of one off me tonight then.'' We both start laughing before his face turns serious and he says '' You know I was only joking, right?'' causing me to start laughing even more before rolling my eyes and saying '' Yes, I know, don't worry.'' leading to him jokingly sighing in relief and wiping pretend sweat off his forehead.


We all then head in for the night, with us girls in the dressing room. As I am taking my makeup off I ask Gemma '' Does it feel more natural with Luca?'' she answers with '' Yea. I don't want Paige to think I'm like rubbing her face in it.'' causing Paige to say '' Gemma, please. Honestly, me and Luca, mates. Mates, all it is.'' causing Gemma to have a smile.

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