Chapter Four

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Orla's P.O.V

After the text came through, the boys go and have a chat while I go and join Inidiyah, Paige, Afia and Ekin-su over at the edge of the pool. I sit down beside Afia with my feet in the pool while Ekin-su asks her '' So, so how are you feeling right now? Are there any guys that you want to get to know at the minute?'' Afia replies with '' Do you know what? I feel like I have got to know them, do you know what I mean? The balls in their court.''

I then say '' Is there anyone you wanna speak to still?'' causing Afia to say '' I'll talk to a few of them, just naturally throughout the day, but I'm just like chilled. I feel like they've got the decision, they've got the power.'' Ekin-su then says '' Really? I don't think like that. I don't let the power, I'm not gonna give the power to Davide.'' causing us all to start disagree with her. She continues with '' No, as in like, apart from the recoupling like.'' Afia then says '' I think he will choose you. Because I think if Luca picks Gemma he will choose you.'' I then say to Ekin '' But if that happens will that make you feel like he is only picking you cause Luca picked Gemma? Will it make you feel like a second option?'' She then says '' Ugh, I don't want to think about it.''

Indiyah then asks me '' So are you hoping Liam will pick you then?'' I reply with '' I hope so. But it's not up to me, he could pick someone else still.'' Paige then says '' No, he's definitely picking you. You can already see the connection yous have.'' the rest of the girls agree and say similar things causing me to blush and go all red, making them start to awh and coo at me.

We change the topic and continue talking about random things, after a couple of minutes I feel something hit the back of my head but I ignore it, before it happens again causing me to turn around while looking at the floor to see what hit me. I see about five grapes on the floor, meaning only two actually hit me. I look up towards the kitchen and spot a grape heading straight for my face, causing me to catch it before it hits me.

I look up and spot Liam in the kitchen causing me to say '' Oh my god! I feel like Stefan Salvatore now. You know, when he turns and catches the football that was heading for his head.'' causing the girls to start laughing with Liam joining in as well.

I then remember that someone was throwing grapes at me, leading me to say '' Liam, why were you throwing grapes at me?'' He answers with '' I wanted your attention.'' I look at him and say '' And you couldn't have just said 'Orla, can I talk to you?'' he thinks for a second before smiling and saying '' This seemed like more fun.'' making me shake my head with a smile and walking over to him before we go for a chat at the mini-firepit.

As we sit down he says '' How you feeling about the recoupling then?'' causing me to make a face causing him to start laughing, I then say '' How do you think I feel? I'm shitting it.''

He replies with '' You've no reason to be shitting it. I'd like to keep having you in my bed so I'm obviously picking you.'' causing me to laugh slightly before saying ''cheeky....but I'd like that as well.'' while looking down and blushing at the last part, he then says '' Your so adorable.'' while leaning over to give me a hug.

We stay in this position for a while, before he says '' Oh my god, Ekin-su and Davide are in the gym again.'' causing me to gasp and look over to see them doing squats causing me to say '' What the hell, thats twice now, I'd be would never catch me in the gym or working out twice in one day, if I go twice a week I'm doing well.'' causing him to start laughing and me to join in. I then notice Davide doing squats with Ekin-su sitting on his shoulders now, ''Stop. Is he for real? Going about saying he doesn't know who he is gonna pick, he is definitely picking her later.'' Liam agrees with me and says '' 100% He's trying to impress her.'' I make a face at him and say '' He's trying so much he could literally breathe and Ekin-su would be so impressed.'' causing us both to start cracking up.

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