Chapter Three

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Orla's P.O.V

After a while me and Liam go and join the others in the kitchen before Andrew and Tasha go and have a chat on the daybed. Dami then looks between me and Liam with a smirk while saying '' What were yous two up to over there?'' I share a look with Liam before saying '' What do you mean what were we up to? Did you not hear I'm pregnant now.'' Dami just has a look of shock on his face before I can't take it anymore and start laughing, with Liam, Indiyah,Paige and Ekin-su joining in. 

Amber then comes over with a bag of crisps and a thing of crackers as Luca and Gemma come back down from the terrace, all of us girls start to eat with Gemma beside me and Liam on my other side. After a couple of minutes Dami, Luca and Liam walk away, not before Liam grabs a handful of crackers for himself causing me to start laughing and him to give me a wink.

I notice a few of the other boys walk over as well to join them at the firepit, and then Gemma and Amber have a chat at the mini firepit. I share a look with Paige and Indiyah before whisper saying ''Drama is brewing.'' causing them to agree. Davide then talks to Gemma causing Amber to walk over to the firepit with Dami, when they are finished they walk over to the firepit, before Davide and Luca start heading in our diection causing me to nudge the girls and we start to head over to the firepit. 

I stand beside Liam around the firepit, with Gemma, Paige, Afia, Andrew and Tasha as well. Paige asks Gemma '' You all good hun?'' Gemma looks over at Paige saying '' I'm all good, yeah. I did just have a conversation with Luca. Like I don't want you to have, sort of like, seen it and be like uh shit. I didn't want you to think I have been snaking behind your back.'' 

During the process of this Indiyah joins us causing us to shuffle around a bit, Liam then places a hand on my hip to pull me closer causing me to get tingles and not hear what Paige said to Gemma, but it seems like there is no drama between them so that's good. However, the same can not be said for the conversation in the kitchen as voices are being raised. 

 Ekin-su then joins us and we all look over at Dami and Amber who are holding hands and kissing a bit away from us, Tasha says '' I'm obessed.'' while having her arm around Indiyah's shoulder, Andrew shouts '' Yeah, yeah'' as well causing us all to start laughing, before they come back over to us. 

Indiyah and Ikenna go and have a chat on the daybed and Dami and Amber have one on the couches near the walkway. Me, Tasha, Paige and Amber are sitting at the mini firepit, while Gemma and Luca sit at the daybed after Indiyah and Ikenna finish. 

Tasha asks Paige '' So how are you feeling, like?'' Paige replies saying '' Right, firstly, I don't need any, like, oh my god, I hope she's okay, like I am absoultly fine, like.'' Amber then says '' We don't need to feel bad for you'' causing Paige to say '' Yeah, I'm like, I'm confident in myself, and I know what I want. Like, realisticly speaking, like yeah they've definitely got a connection even before chatting, so. They're gonna explore for sure, and I do think they would be, kinda, quite compatiable, they seem like they got that good energy. I'll be honest I am putting on a brave face, like, the thing that I wanna do the most right now is go into a room and like cry it all out. But, not because I'm upset that nobody likes me sort of thing but it's just sort of one of things innit.'' 

I reply saying '' Paige, someone is gonna come in here and they are gonna be 100% about you. I know that cause you are a catch and you are gonna be swatting the boys away from you in no time.'' causing her to start laughing a bit. 


We all head inside to get ready for bed. I brush through my hair and put on my Pj's before heading into the sink area. 


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