The Court Of Owls

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     A week of working and switching shifts with Diana watching Dick takes its toll. They are both tired and frustrated. Being around each other so much trying to help someone who wants to kill them is strenuous. Watching the boy stare at the TV never sleeping and only eating when asked to has terrifying implications that neither want to address. Seeing the boy in that cell isn't right, and Bruce feels more like he is hurting the boy than helping him. Diana is standing next to him, and finally he can't watch the screen anymore. He stands up walking to the cell.

"Dick, If I let you out will you try to kill me?" Even if the child lies he is fine with that. Even if they have to fight again he can at least say he tried.

"Yes," He closes his eyes trying to fight back frustration. Frustration that he can't do more, that the Court is so cruel, frustration at the honesty in Dick's voice. All of that frustration bleeds into his question.

"Why?" He knows the answer, and is just torturing himself by asking it.

"Because the Court of Owls has sentenced you to die," Those yellow eyes are piercing looking into Bruce's soul and not understanding what they are seeing.

"I want to let you out. You should not be locked up like that, Dick. You deserve better than this," He might as well be arguing with a brick wall, but maybe if he says it enough the boy will believe him.

"I am a Talon. I do as the Court commands," Bruce looks up. He didn't call himself a weapon. He didn't deny that he deserves something. Bruce goes out on a limb.

"Are you enjoying the TV?" Dick looks at the TV and then at Bruce with the held tilt that always occurs when a question that should be obvious is asked.

"I am a Talon. A weapon does not feel," A spark of disappointment shoots through Bruce. He was hoping it was more than wording, but that does not appear to be the case. Bruce stares at Dick. He doesn't understand how to help. The kid listens when he asks him to sit or eat, but not when Bruce says that he's a person. This isn't something that can be broken using a key phrase or by changing his mind. His only hope of really getting through to the boy is getting rid of the Court of Owls. He turns walking back where Diana is waiting.

"I know it's hard," He sighs sinking into the chair next to her.

"I want to help him, and I think the only way to make any true progress is to become his master," He turns away from where Dick sits staring at the TV focusing on the paperwork in front of him. "I don't want him to have a master, but I fear if I don't do it, someone else will," He expects Diana to disagree, to fight him on that. He wants her too.

"I think that might be the only way. He will listen to you, and you can teach him how to be his own master. I have never seen anything like this. Everytime I have faced young people who do wrong things it is because they think they are doing the right thing, or do not remember who they were before. It is hard, but doable with patience and the right person being a mentor. Dick remembers who he was before, but it does not connect with anything inside his mind. He is not guided by right or wrong he is guided by orders. He does not think in the same way you or I analyze a situation. He would have lied to you if he did, or escaped when I first released him. He does not hide the truth, because he doesn't understand what the information he gives means," She puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. "He is a child who believes himself to be a weapon. Just like you can hack a computer and it will tell you everything you ask it too he is doing the same. Unlike a computer he is a person who has to learn what a person is. The best way to do that will be through a master, at least, at first," He looks up and sees the pain on her face. She is struggling with this as much as he is. They can do it though. If it means Dick is free, and out of the hands of people who want to hurt him then they can do it.

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