Chapter 1

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"Ouch!" Maizono screamed and ran to put her head in her hands when she felt the blow that made her wake up. "That hurt... What...?".

Opening her eyes, she was startled to realize that everything was dark, so dark that she couldn't see a thing. She reached out and touched something. Continuing to feel, she noticed that it was a stick, which ended in something similar to a scourer.

"A-a mop...?" She put her hand to her head again. So that had hit her.

She reached her hands out to the sides and touched a bucket, what looked like sponges and also some paper.

"Ah... It's a closet..." She sighed in relief, placing both hands on the wall to help her stand up. She felt around the wall a little more until she found the doorknob and turned it to open it and peek out. "Where... am I...?"

She noticed the hallway and the lights that illuminated it. She didn't recognize the place. She looked up and down the hall but it seemed she was alone. When taking the first step out, she noticed how she stepped on something and looked down to see a piece of paper. Puzzled, she bent down to pick it up and read it.

"I don't understand..." She narrowed her eyes a little. "New coexistence...? The rest of our lives...? What?"

She turned the paper several times to see if there was anything else that could explain something, but nothing. She went back to the main message and read "The meeting is in the gym at eight." Meeting... Gym...

"Oh, yes!" She opened her eyes again. "I had come to Hope's Peak... But..." She looked back and forth along the corridor. "Maybe I'm late...?"

She noticed a clock nearby on one of the walls. It marked 07:50. There were still ten minutes left. So where was everyone? There was nothing to be gained by staying there so, after making sure which way she had to take to get to the gym, she started walking to get there.

"This... is it normal in this academy...?"

She thought when she saw the steel plates that covered the windows. In the corridor where the closet was, there wasn't one, that's why she didn't realize it until that moment that the windows were covered. She took out the paper again to look it up and down in an attempt to find more information but... Was that even an official paper? It looked like something drawn by a child. She didn't have time to think much more when turning a corner, she collided with someone.

"A-ah! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She apologized, rushing to take the person's hand so that they wouldn't fall to the ground. "I-I thought there was nobody else here and... I didn't pay attention to where I was going."

"It's okay, I was distracted too." The girl smiled, making a gesture with her hand to tell her that it didn't matter. Sayaka gave her a good look. She had short hair and was wearing a somewhat long brown skirt with a green sweater. She was much shorter and thinner than her, no wonder that she almost knocked her to the ground when they collided. "Oh, are you going to the gym too? If you'd like to... we can go together." She said somewhat shyly.

Sayaka nodded, relieved to see that she wasn't alone in the building, and she hoped to find more people once they were in the gym. Once there, she stepped in front of the shorter one to place her hands on the door and open it.

"It seems that we are the first ones to arrive." The other spoke, peeking inside.

"I see that... Oh, by the way...! You haven't told me your name."

"Oh!" The little girl opened her eyes in surprise. "True. How embarrasing, sorry. I'm Chihiro Fujisaki, nice to meet you." She said closing her eyes and putting her hands behind her back with a small smile.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 22 ⏰

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