Chapter Three (3)

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Acceptance and Unexpected Proposals*

Eddie stood in Asher's nursery, staring at the tiny, peaceful form. Grief still lingered, but something about Asher's smile sparked a glimmer of hope.

Sophia entered, her eyes warm with concern. "Eddie, how are you doing?"

He turned, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know, Sophia. Being a father... it's surreal."

Sophia approached him, her hand on his arm. "You're an amazing father, Eddie. Asher needs you."

Eddie's gaze drifted back to Asher. "I'll do everything for him. But, Sophia, I'm still... lost. Smith's gone, and I'm struggling to accept this new reality."

Sophia's expression softened. "I understand. But, Eddie, I want to help. I want us to be a family - for Asher's sake. Will you consider marrying me?"

Eddie's eyes widened in surprise.

Eddie took a deep breath, stalling. "Sophia, I... I need time to think. Marriage is a huge step."

Sophia's expression fell, but she nodded. "I understand. Take all the time you need."

Days passed, and Eddie's thoughts swirled. Asher's smile and laughter chipped away at his resistance.

Finally, he surrendered.

"Sophia, I'll do it. For Asher's sake, I'll marry you."

Sophia's eyes sparkled, and she hugged him tightly.

The wedding was a quiet, intimate affair. Eddie's doubts lingered, but he pushed them aside for Asher's sake.

As they exchanged vows, Sophia's eyes shone with tears. Eddie's voice cracked, his heart still heavy with grief.

Tyler and Perry attended, their faces etched with concern and disapproval.

After the ceremony, Tyler pulled Eddie aside. "You sure about this, Eddie? You're still reeling from Smith's loss."

Eddie sighed. "I know, Ty. But I have to think about Asher now. Sophia wants stability, and I owe it to him to try."

Perry nodded, though his eyes betrayed skepticism. "We'll support you, Eddie. But promise us you'll prioritize your own happiness."

The newlyweds settled into a routine, with Eddie struggling to reconcile his feelings.

Sophia tried to fill the void left by Smith, but Eddie's heart remained distant.

Asher grew, and his preferences became clear:

He'd cry whenever Sophia held him, calming only when Tyler or Perry took him.

Eddie noticed, but Sophia dismissed it. "He's just being stubborn."

As Asher's first birthday approached, Eddie began to realize:

His son's connection to Tyler and Perry went beyond mere affection.

It was as if Asher sensed something deeper, something Eddie couldn't quite grasp.

Asher's birthday party became a catalyst for tension.

Sophia's expectations clashed with Tyler and Perry's protective instincts.

Eddie found himself caught in the middle, unsure how to navigate.

I named Eddie's son (Smith's reincarnation) "Asher" because it signifies rebirth and new beginnings.

Hi everyone. What do you think about the story so far? When will Eddie realize he is fathering his dead lover he has continuously mourned and longed for. Stay tuned.
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