Chapter 13

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Rooster looked at his wife, not believing his own ears, "Are you serious?" "Yes Roo. You, Bradley Bradshaw are going to be a dad, we're gonna have a mini us running around!"

The brunette man felt like he was gonna faint but instead he gave his wife a kiss before hugging her tightly, even lifting her off the floor a bit which made her laugh.

"I can't wait to start a family with you and I promise I will always be here no matter what. The little guy or gal will be the most spoiled Kazansky-Bradshaw child ever." the blonde was left stunned for a minute.

"Wait...Kazansky-Bradshaw, you want our baby to have both last names?"

Rooster looked at his wife confused, of course the child was going to have both surnames.

"Well duh Vic. I know how important your maiden name is so the little guy or gal will have both of our last names sweetheart."

The girl couldn't contain herself as she pulled him in by his flight suit and kissed him which he gladly returned after getting over his initial shock.

Soon enough cheers were heard from the people around them and the couple pulled away, smiles on their faces.

"Damn what's a guy gotta say to get a kiss like that?" Harvard teased the couple, "I think your wife is the person you gotta ask that man." Yale answered instead.

Everyone shared a big group hug, pulling Maverick into it too. When they got back to base, Maverick looked torn between staying with everyone and going to see Penny. So, in classic Kazansky style, the blonde woman decided to take things into her own heads.

"Uncle Mav, go. Go see Penny and confess your undying love to her. I know you want to."

The older man looked at her gratefully as he nodded his head at her before taking off to the Hard Deck. As he left, everyone looked at Dove confused, asking where their instructor was going.

"He's going to get the girl of his dreams."

Some might argue that Charlie was the girl of his dreams, not Penny. But Charlie and him could never work in the long-run. That's what both of them realised but didn't want to admit it right away. They were very diffrent people at the time and wanted diffrent things in life but they did remain good friends, all until Charlie's tragic death about 20 years ago.

It was hard for Pete when Charlie died, not only did he lose a very close friend unexpectedly, he lost someone who he loved dearly. That's why Victoria was happy when she over-heard her uncle telling her mom that he loves Penny and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. He was finally letting his heart out of its cage.

The 13 pilots made their way towards their cars. Since only three people came with their own cars, others had to catch rides with them to the restaurant they were going.

Hangman was giving a ride to Harvard, Yale and Coyote, Rooster and Dove had Payback and Fanboy while Phoenix got Bob, Halo, Omaha and Fritz.

The Kazansky-Bradshaw woman decided to drive this time since she was the only one in the car that didn't fly the mission and she wanted them to relax a bit. The three didn't even get to object as the blonde stole the keys from her husband and got into the car.

"C'mon, get in losers. I don't have all day."

Surprisingly, they were the first ones to get to the restaurant, so Victoria texted her uncle where they were if he and Penny wanted to join them. The rest came soon after and Natasha joked that the reason they got there first was because Victoria drives like she's in a Faest and Furious movie. It was kinda true but Victoria still acted offended by her best friend's comment.

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