Chapter 23. Water 7

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[POV Change]



Unlike Usopp's prediction, however, a smile made its way onto the little girl and the old woman's faces. "(Y/N)!" Chimney exclaimed, nearly dropping the Transponder Snail in her hands. She quickly set in front of her grandmother before running towards me. "You're back! And your hair is so much longer!" She happily yelled as she ran towards me and hugged my leg. As she then stopped hugging my leg, I crouched and patted her head. "I'm not the only one that has changed in appearance though, am I? You've gotten a lot taller since I last saw you." I told her as I smiled and saw Gonbe start running towards us. "Who knew he'd be good with kids?" I then heard Usopp ask as Gonbe jumped onto my shoulder before I stood up. "And Kokoro, you've gotten fat." I then said as I walked towards the old woman that was on the floor. "You're one to talk about others. You should sort out your appearance. You look like a local hobo." Kokoro replied, causing a silence to appear for a few seconds as tensions rose. That all ended, however, as Kokoro bellowed with laughter and stood up. "You've really grown, (Y/N)." She then said as she walked towards me before giving me a hug. "Do you guys know each other?" Nami then asked as she and Luffy got off the ship. "Yeah. It's a long story. It's also a story that you won't be hearing." I answered her. Although, my voice was a bit muffled since my face was being driven into the shoulder of Kokoro, who was still hugging me.



Water 7

[(Y/N)'s POV]

A while had passed since I reunited with Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe, and we were now at Water 7. We anchored our ship on a shore nearby. Luffy, Nami, and Usopp had gone to trade some gold for money and ask if the ship could be repaired by the Shipwrights that inhabited the island, leaving the rest of us on the ship. The ship seemed to currently be in bad condition, as Zoro nearly brought down the mast by simply pulling on its rope. Robin and Chopper then left to get books, however, leaving Sanji, Zoro, and I alone. Sanji went after the two soon after, leaving Zoro and me on the ship by ourselves. Not much time had passed before I also decided to leave the ship, as I realised that I needed to get some things for myself. "I hope you don't burn the ship down," I told Zoro as I was about to leave, although he didn't hear me due to him being asleep. I was now wearing my Scarf with my goggles around my neck since I finished cleaning them while we were sailing to Water 7. I also got my wallet, which I left on the ship before leaving to fight the lightning guy.

My first destination was a place where I could buy some cigarettes since I was planning on doing that before I ended up in the sky. As I left the shore and headed into the mainland of Water 7, my view was filled with many shops selling all kinds of things. Some sold food, some sold books, and some sold masks. The important thing was that there were no shops selling cigarettes anywhere. I had to continue walking and navigating through the island for about 5 minutes before I was finally able to find a shop that sold cigarettes. "Hello, sir!" The owner greeted me as I entered the shop. "Hi. What brands of cigarettes do you have?" I asked him as I approached the counter he stood behind. "I'm sorry but we only have one brand left. It's called Death Line." He answered as he placed a packet on the counter to show it to me. "I'll take two packets," I told him, putting a smile on his face. "Straight away, sir!" He happily exclaimed as he pulled out another packet from under the counter and placed it in front of me. After paying, I left the shop with the two cigarette packets in my pockets.

Next on my list was to get some candy due to a sweet tooth popping up recently. I also wanted to get some for Robin and Chopper as a thanks for taking care of me when I was in that coma. While I began to make my way towards a nearby candy shop, I saw a guy in a white mask and an orange checkered cloak walking towards me. "We know you're here, SB." The man quietly said as he passed by me, making me stop dead in my tracks. They know I'm here. I knew it was them since I was even called by that name. My eyes widened and my heart rate began to rapidly increase as I looked around the area I was in. I quickly began running, but I wasn't running in any certain direction. I just wanted to get away. I just wanted to escape by any means necessary. I was successful for 5 years, so why is it that I'm now shackled again. I also began to hyperventilate as I ran, turning around every corner I came by. Suddenly, I bumped into someone, causing them to fall backwards. I didn't stop, however, as I continued to aimlessly run. I hesitated slightly when I heard a familiar voice call me. "(Y/N)?" The person asked, making me realise it was Robin. I looked back at her for a second and saw that she was on the ground looking back at me with Chopper by her side. I then realised that it wasn't safe for her either with her past and them being here. "Run," I advised her before continuing to run. "Wait!" I heard her cry out, but I didn't halt.


[Third Person POV]

"I want to live! Take me to the sea with you!" Robin's cried out as tears fell from her eyes while she faced. She stood with her arms in handcuffs while surrounded by CP9 members and Cutty Flam. On the other side stood the Strawhats, ready to save their crewmate. They turned back their heads, however, as they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. "(Y/N)?!" Luffy cried put as he realised who was walking towards them. "Where have you been?" Nami asked in shock. "In hiding." (Y/N) simply answered as he stood next to the Strawhats and looked up at the infamous CP9. "So you really are alive, huh, (Y/N)? Do you miss us?" Jabra asked before bellowing with laughter. "How can I miss you? You're nothing but my enemy." (Y/N) answered as he had a stone face. "It's great for you to finally grace us with your presence-" Lucci spoke, however, he got interrupted by none other than (Y/N). "Shush. Wait for your turn to talk. I have a message for CP9 right now. It is a simple and short one. Because of you, the world will be puzzled as to whether the Navy and World Government have abandoned all good principles or ever had any."


Hello. I just wanted to apologise for this chapter being short. I'll try to make up for it with the next chapter since it'll be longer than other chapters and will include (Y/N)'s backstory.

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