Chapter 10. An Island In The Sky

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[POV Change] 



"Be careful. You don't want to open up your wound." I warned her as she put her hand on the wall for support. After that, I rolled up my sleeping bag and put it back into my pocket. "Are they outside?" She asked me, making me nod in response. She decided to walk towards the door and open it, allowing us to hear the Strawhats talk about leaving the island or something. "Good job." She said, making me sigh and shocking the Strawhats. I walked out of the shadows of the room and stood next to Robin, making myself visible to the Strawhats. "Why do you have to introduce us like that?" I asked her in a tired tone. 


[(Y/N) POV]

"Here to avenge your organization?! I'll take you on!" Zoro yelled at the two of us as he placed his right hand on one of his swords. The reason that I knew his name was because of his name being yelled by someone in Raindinners. Although, I don't remember who had called out his name. "Why are you here?!" Nami yelled out in fear as tears flooded from her eyes in a cartoonish way. The reason for me knowing her name was the same as Zoro, and it was the same reason for some of the other Strawhats. "Enemy attack..! Enemy attack..!" Usopp yelled as a... racoon dog? Anyways, a racoon dog was running around on two legs for some reason.

At that point, Zoro had a sword aimed at us and Nami had a blue pole or something. "Don't attack them! The one on the right saved my life when I was beating Crocodile!" Luffy yelled out to the Strawhats in a worried voice. "I thought that King Cobra saved you!" Nami shouted back at him in a confused matter. "(Y/N) is the one that carried me out, he just gave me to Vivi's dad after!" Luffy explained to them as Robin started to walk towards the stairs that led to a higher floor. She then used her Devil Fruit to make two hands sprout and lower Zoro's sword and Nami's weird blue pole thing. "Didn't I tell you before not to point such dangerous objects at me?" Robin asked the two as she looked back at them. "How long have you two been on this ship?!" Nami asked loudly and angrily. "Three days," I answered, shocking the Strawhats. 

While I was answering Nami, Robin had said something to Luffy, making everyone start yelling. 'I just ran across an entire desert after battling banana gators, then ran the length of a city, then fought Crocodile, and then stayed awake for three days straight while taking care of someone who was stabbed. I'm going to sleep. Fuck you all.' I thought to myself as I walked towards the room that I had taken care of Robin in. Once I got there, I shut the door and laid down my sleeping bag before laying inside of it and instantly falling asleep.


As I was sleeping, I felt my sleeping bag and I start to slide slightly. All of a sudden, my sleeping bag and I were slammed into the wall and were still being pushed into it. I opened my eyes but discovered that there was no one there. I activated my Devil Fruit in case it was someone with an invisibility Devil Fruit, but nothing happened. I was still being pushed into the middle of the wall with no one in the room. I deactivated my Devil Fruit as I began trying to figure out what was happening. After a few seconds, the force stopped and my sleeping bag and I fell to the floor. I sat up, however, instead of getting up after, I remained seated for about 5 minutes. Afterwards, I groaned as I stood up and took the sleeping bag off me. I rolled it up and put it into my pocket before walking towards the door of the room I was in. As I opened it, the Strawhats and Robin looked at me. I noticed something that anyone would, they were drenched in water and so was the ship.

"What happened?" I asked as I looked around at the ship. "You're finally awake! You were asleep for 3 days straight! We tried to wake you up but it didn't work!" Nami angrily yelled as she glared at me. "I sleep for as long as I'm awake, sometimes even longer. Answer my question." I said, angering Nami even more. "Don't tell me what to do!" Nami yelled, making Usopp step in. "Well, you and Robin are now Strawhats, we went to an island named Jaya, we rode the knock-up stream, and now we're in the clouds and headed to an island in the sky, and we're now headed towards a waterfall or something," Usopp explained, only making me more confused. "I'm a wha- we rode a knock-up stre- we're headed where? Why did I ever wake up?" I asked myself as I walked towards a chair and plopped down onto it.

As we were heading towards the waterfall, I began to fall asleep again, although it seemed like no one had noticed. About 5 minutes later, I woke up to my body being shaken. "How are you sleeping again?! Wake up, idiot!" Name yelled as she was holding me by my shoulders and shaking me while I was still in the chair. I groaned as I got up and stood in place as Nami folded the chair I was in and threw it at the wall, shattering it into three pieces. "(Y/N), I'd recommend you get off the ship and onto the cloud beach before she gets madder." Robin said while smiling, making me sigh and walk to the front of the ship. I jumped over and landed on my feet on what seemed to be clouds. I saw a tree and was going to lay against it, but a glare from Nami stopped me. 

'She's making me wake up and just stand at a beach doing nothing. What a bi-' I thought, but was interrupted by a voice yelling my name. "(Y/N)! Watch out!" Luffy yelled out as I turned my head to him. What I saw was a blue pumpkin or something flying at me. I ducked to avoid it and then stared at Luffy in silence. "Sorry about that! I was trying to throw it at Usopp but he ducked!" He shouted to me, cupping his hands by his mouth to make his voice louder. I didn't reply, however, and just walked away from him. Next, I heard a harp playing, and when I turned to it, a woman with angel-like wings was playing it. When will this bullshit end?

The woman then stopped playing and began to walk towards us. Then she picked up the thing that Luffy threw at me and showed Luffy how to eat it, making him shocked but happy. A man in a small boat then started charging at us but then ended up crashing into a tree, making me sigh. Luffy then started to ride it, Chopper ran into the water, and then Nami began to ride it. All this was too much information to take in only 5 minutes.

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