Chapter 24. (Y/N)'s Backstory

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[POV Change]



"I want to live! Take me to the sea with you!" Robin's cried out as tears fell from her eyes while she faced. She stood with her arms in handcuffs while surrounded by CP9 members and Cutty Flam. On the other side stood the Strawhats, ready to save their crewmate. They turned back their heads, however, as they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. "(Y/N)?!" Luffy cried put as he realised who was walking towards them. "Where have you been?" Nami asked in shock. "In hiding." (Y/N) simply answered as he stood next to the Strawhats and looked up at the infamous CP9. "So you really are alive, huh, (Y/N)? Do you miss us?" Jabra asked before bellowing with laughter. "How can I miss you? You're nothing but my enemy." (Y/N) answered as he had a stone face. "It's great for you to finally grace us with your presence-" Lucci spoke, however, he got interrupted by none other than (Y/N). "Shush. Wait for your turn to talk. I have a message for CP9 right now. It is a simple and short one. Because of you, the world will be puzzled as to whether the Navy and World Government have abandoned all good principles or ever had any."


[Third Person POV]

15 years ago...

An island by the name of Alvarora resided in the West Blue, and currently, the birds were chirping while the sun rose, sending warmth to the island. A 16-year-old (Y/N) had unfortunately awoken as well, groaning as he did. The reason for him waking up was the person next to him waking up. "Hey! Hey! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" The person next to (Y/N) yelled at him as they got out of bed. "Leave me alone, Emi." (Y/N) grumbled in response, opening his eyes slightly to see a 17-year-old girl with long green hair sitting on the other side of the bed, the blanket covering her legs. "But it's 5 AM! It's way too late to stay in bed!" Emi yelled in retaliation, a smile on her face as she spoke. "Exacty. It's 5 AM. It's way too early to get out of bed." (Y/N) then said, making Emi pout. (Y/N) closed his eyes once again, however, that didn't last for long. Suddenly, he instantly sat up straight while letting out a cry of pain. "Why did you bite my ear?" He asked her as he held said ear in pain. "To get you out of bed, of course, dummy! And look, it worked!" She answered as her smile returned to her face, said smile wider than before. "I'll change and then wait for you outside so that we can go for a run. Make sure to put on some clothes that are good for running." Emi then instructed before leaning over to (Y/N) and giving him a small kiss on the lips, causing him to blush slightly. She then got out of bed and grabbed an outfit for running from the closet before beginning to undress in front of (Y/N), making him blush even more. "What? It's nothing you haven't seen before. Come on, don't tell me you're shy." Emi teased as (Y/N) blush deepened even more, causing him to cover his face in the blanket.

"Alright, I finished wearing my clothes. You  can stop hiding now, my little Panda." Emi announced, confusing (Y/N). "Panda?" He asked as he took the blanket off his face and got out of bed. "It's because you're so confused!" Emi excitedly explained to her boyfriend before turning around and going towards the house door to exit, allowing (Y/N) to see how tight her pants were. "Why are your pants so tight? They're going to rip if you trip over a rock or something." He pointed out to her, making her stop and look back at him. "To give you more motivation to follow me." Emi seductively told him while sending a wink his way and leaving the house. "Damn it." (Y/N) muttered, his blush returning as he walked towards the closet. Afterwards, he took out some comfortable clothes, those being some grey Sweatpants and a black T-Shirt. After getting dressed, he headed to the door and left the house, seeing Emi with her iconic steel wire alloy Scarf and yellow Goggles in her hands. "They weren't inside?" (Y/N) asked her as he raised an eyebrow. "Nope. I decided to wash them yesterday and so I left them out here to dry. Here, you can have them for today!" She answered as she put the Scarf and Goggles around (Y/N)'s neck, surprising him.

"Ok! Let's go for a jog before we start running so that we can warm up!" Emi yelled out as she broke into a jog, catching (Y/N) off guard. He quickly began jogging as well, having to go a bit faster to catch up to Emi. "Isn't this fun?" Emi asked while smiling and looking back at (Y/N). "Define the word fun." (Y/N) told her in response as his face held the opposite expression of Emi's. "Go! Go! Go!" A loud voice ordered, causing (Y/N) and Emi to look at the other side of the street in confusion. What they saw was a bunch of people in army uniforms running in two lines, reminding them of the recent big news. The Revolution. Recently, Alvarora's citizens had announced that they would be revolting against the World Government, not wanting to follow their rules and be under their fists all the time. This reminder had caused Emi's smile to disappear, something that didn't go unnoticed by (Y/N). "What's wrong?" He asked her as the two stopped jogging. "It's just... this Revolution is not going to end well for us. I can feel it. I feel like something is going to happen. Something horrible." Emi admitted to (Y/N), causing him to suddenly embrace her in a hug. "Don't worry. I won't let anyone harm befall you. I promise." He told her as he held her tight, which led to her hugging him back.

A minute later, the two had returned to jogging, which returned Emi's smile. They kept at it for about 6 more minutes, only stopping when they heard some screams and people running. "The marines have sent a Buster Call! Run for your lives!" One of the citizens cried out as the sound of cannonballs being fired went off. (Y/N) instantly looked over at Emi to confirm her safety, although he saw something that horrified him instead. A cannonball was colliding with Emi's stomach as (Y/N) was looking at her. The cannonball went right through her, making the top half of her body fall back while the bottom half fell forward. "Emi!" (Y/N) cried out as he knelt and looked at Emi's body to try and find any way to save her. "Don't bother, (Y/N). I'll be dead within a minute. But it's ok. I only have two requests before I die." She told him, blood leaking from her mouth as she slowly looked up at him. Tears ferociously made their way out of (Y/N)'s eyes as he looked down at her. "Can you keep my Scarf and Goggles safe with you?" She asked, causing (Y/N) to slowly nod his head. "And can you hold my hands? I don't wanna die alone." She told him her second request, making him instantly obey. What he felt made him even more scared. Emi's hands were losing their heat. (Y/N) began to cry even more at this as his surroundings lit on fire while the citizens screamed. "Shh... don't cry, (Y/N). You'll make me sad." Emi then told him, getting closer to death's doorstep with every second that passed. "(Y/N)... I'm going to die now... so just remember this... I will always love you, my little Panda." She told him as she reached for his face with her other hand, cupping his face in it. "I love you too, Emi..." (Y/N) was able to say through whimpers. Suddenly, Emi's hand fell from his face and hit the ground. (Y/N)'s eyes widened at this as more tears escaped than before. "Hey! Hey! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" He begged, saying what she had told him that same morning. As he slowly began to realise that she was really gone, (Y/N) let out a loud cry into the sky.

"I'm sorry, Emi. I can't even bury your body." (Y/N) then said through tears as he slowly stood up. He then began running towards the sea that surrounded the island, seeing it as his only way to escape from the Buster Call. As he reached the sea and dived in, his tears began to mix with the seawater. He was also in incredible pain right now, as the water was incredibly hot and practically boiling him alive. "Hey! There's a deserter!" He heard a voice yell, striking fear through his entire body. "Capture him!" He heard another voice order, making him try to swim faster. He was already very slow due to Emi's Scarf weighing him down. He was suddenly caught in a net, stopping all his limbs from moving. (Y/N) then began to hyperventilate as the net began to be pulled through the air with him inside it. As the net was then cut open, (Y/N) fell from it, instantly backing up against a railing to get as far away from the Marines. "Did you think you could escape?" A voice asked him, bringing (Y/N)'s attention to a large man standing in front of him with his fist covered in magma. "P-please don't kill me! I'll do anything! I'll even become a Marine!" (Y/N) begged the man as he tried to back up even more but was unfortunately stopped by the railing pushing him back. "Just die silently." The man told him while pulling back his magma-covered fist to punch and kill me. (Y/N) covered his eyes in fear and awaited death, however, it never came. "What are you doing, Sakazuki?" A man asked, causing (Y/N) to open his eyes, revealing a grey-haired man standing in front of him, holding the fist of his attacker with a hand that seemed to have a black coating. "I'm killing the escapee, Garp." The man answered.

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