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I have a day off today but I still came to work to see Kihyun Hyung, when I got inside his office I saw Hyung with Yeonhwa. They look so close to each other that I felt a bit jealous and sad. She is going to be my wife soon and I need to treat her like Hyung but I can't.

"Hyung, are you coming to my party tonight?" I ask. Kihyun Hyung is not mafia related but he can come when he wants to. "Yeonhwa, I see you tonight at my party." I left to go find Nancy in her office. I wanted Nancy to be my assistant but my parents said not. They think I will be distracted from work and eventually lose my business.

"So you are getting married," Nancy said. "Which means we can't be close anymore."

"I'm sorry, I can't get my parents to let me marry you," I said. "We still can hang out, Yeonhwa won't mind."

Yeonhwa won't mind but Jeonghan will and Wonwoo will mind, yesterday I found out Wonwoo and Yeonhwa are half-siblings meaning they are the same mom but different dads.

"Good luck on your marriage," she said. "How about I pretend to be your lover at a Mafia party tonight?"

"You are my lover?" I said kissing her before leaving for my office. "I will pick you up."


For the first time my half-brother visited me in my office, he changed a lot and he is the weapon master in a Mafia group.

"I'm not here to visit you but I'm here to see if you are coming to the Mafia party tonight," Wonwoo said. "Be careful there are a lot of mafia bosses, some are not as nice as you think they are."

"Don't worry, Jeonghan will be by my side," I said. "Don't worry."

"When did he invite you?" Wonwoo asked

"Yesterday," I answered. "He went to visit me."

He left after knowing Jeonghan invited me. Wonwoo never treated me as if yesterday, that is why I mostly hang out with Kihyun and share most of my problems with him. I caught up to him and invited Wonwoo to lunch, the minute I stepped outside a lot of girls whispered.

"He looks handsome," a girl said. "Is she his girlfriend?"

"He looks like Wonwoo from the Seventeen mafia group," another girl said. "She looks like Wonwoo's half-sister."

So they are famous, this is going to be hard when I marry Joshua. We walk around in silence since he has no interest in my life until today.

"What made mom force you to marry Joshua?" He asked. "Don't tell me it's a family business."

"It is a family business, she said our company is dying and Joshua's family will help us under one condition," I said. "My marriage is this week and I have to pick up my dress tomorrow. Then after tomorrow is party planning."

"You will live with me soon," he said. "And Jeonghan Hyung will use you for his need of human blood. I know why Hyung went to your apartment, he needed your blood. He is the only vampire member who hasn't tasted human blood in 3 years, Scoup Hyung said he is the best for a librarian."

That over the max amount of a vampire can go without blood, I don't know how Jeonghan survives, maybe he desperately wants to find me. (I don't know how long a vampire can go without human blood so I guess.) After eating Wonwoo drove me back to the office so I could get my car. It was time for me to get ready for the Mafia party, I don't know if wearing a suit will be okay.

I arrived at the party early because Jeonghan told me to. There were already people there enjoying the music and suddenly someone grabbed me and I went into defense mode.

"It Jeonghan," Jeonghan said. "I will take you to Joshua."

I learned defensive skills from Wonwoo long ago and it helped me a lot when I needed it. Joshua was sitting with other mafia members at a big round table. He didn't pay attention to me at all and continued chatting until someone whispered that made him look up.

"Welcome Yeonhwa," Joshua said. "Don't worry the mafia here won't do anything to you."

I sat down next to him quietly, there was nothing I could do here, mostly watch everyone have fun and enjoy themselves.

"Welcome to my party," Joshua said. "I would like to announce that I'm getting married this Friday."

Arranged marriage - H. JoshuaWhere stories live. Discover now