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96z finished groceries and the party started, half of us went to cook while others prepared the table and played games.

"Joshua, let's sing," I said. I chose a duet song with Joshua and Scoup since there is a rap part. This is my first time hearing Joshua sing and it is lovely. I wish he could sing more often, after playing around food was ready and we sat down to eat. "Should we start playing a drinking game?"

Scoup decided we should play all the drinking games they know which ended up making everyone super drunk and go crazy after that, Joshua became so clingy while watching the other seventeen members sing. They are like a normal family but people still think the mafia is dangerous, they assume all mafia are killers and rude but Seventeen is the best mafia group.

"Joshua, you need sleep," I said. "Let's sleep." I tugged on his shirt making him carry me to the bedroom, I tasted all the alcohol in his mouth and his drunk self made me love him more. "I love you a lot."

"I love you too," he said in a drunk voice. "I just want to touch you." I groan while he touches my waist and collapses next to me, his lip touches my neck while his hand is still holding my waist. Alcohol smell fills the room and soon it is everywhere on my clothes, Joshua is dead asleep while I play on my phone ignoring his touch.


"When are we going to tell Joshua about Yeonhwa," I said. "We can't keep it a secret anymore."

"I know but he not ready," Scoup said. "Right now he is deeply in love with her one wrong move and it will be ruined."

"This is hard," Dino said. "Hyung, I know you still love her."

"I do but she is married to Joshua now and I need to respect that," I said and left for my room. Tears fall down my eyes when I remember how close we are to each other. I miss you.


It's morning again and my head hurts a bit from the alcohol yesterday night. I know I drank a lot but nothing felt better than kissing Yeonhwa passionately, she was still sleeping peacefully next to me in a cute way.

"I love you," she said. "Let's promise we won't leave each other." I promised her and gave her a quick kiss before heading downstairs, we are going home today so everyone needs to wake up and pack. "Guys wake up, we are going home today."

"How much did we drink yesterday night?" Scoup ask. "The smell is everywhere." After packing out stuff we left in group to our assign car while Yeonhwa went home on her bike, yesterday night was the best for me the first time ever I get to be myself around Yeonhwa. "Did you do anything to Yeonhwa?"

"No, just hug her tight to sleep," I said. "I didn't want to do anything but her mixed blood alcohol tasted good."

"You are still addicted to her blood, Hyung," Mingyu said. "I'm sure you can't live without her."

"I promise we will never leave each other's side no matter what happens," I said. "Finally home." I miss my own bed where it is soft and cozy but Yeonhwa is still not home yet. I became worried and called her immediately but she didn't answer until Kihyun's message popped up on my phone.

Kihyun: Don't worry she fine apparently she at a cafe with her other half sibling

I was relieved that her sibling is with her, my worst fear is losing Yeonhwa. (Keep your promise Joshua.) She came feeling happy and excited about something and I could tell her sibling went shopping with her.

"I got you something," she said while kissing me on the lip. "Matching couple clothes." She shows more things like dresses and shoes. Also, her mafia test is delayed since I'm feeling better and I don't need a replacement currently. "Should we go on a date tomorrow?"

"Let me check my schedule," I said. "It looks like I'm busy but don't worry I will take you after work." I was about to kiss her but The8 barged in and scared us.

"Hyung, emergency meeting," The8 said. "Scoup Hyung, need us immediately."

This is my first time hearing Scoup calling for emergency meeting, he doesn't look too happy about something.

"Our second headquarters just got attack," Scoup said. "Luckily only some minor injuries to the guard."

"Daehwi's team attacked us again," Jeonghan said. "It looks like your sister wants something."

"She wants my relationship with Joshua to be ruined," Yeonhwa said. "Since Yoon is in jail she wants to ruin mine too."

We all sat down and figured out a plan that could stop Daehwi and Daehwa. I could tell Yeonhwa isn't into these things but she must listen and help us too.

I'm alive and back to update Arranged marriage

Arranged marriage - H. JoshuaWhere stories live. Discover now