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It was a quiet night. Nothing happened, mostly everyone went to bed or at the secondary headquarters. I lay in bed waiting for Joshua to come but he didn't, it seemed like he wasn't home at all.

"Dino, where did Joshua go?" I ask. It was 10:00 and Joshua was somewhere even though Dino didn't know.

"Joshua went to the second headquarters," The8 said. "He told me to tell you to not wait for him and went to sleep early." I want to know what is going on and why is he hiding it from me. I pretend to sleep when Joshua comes home.

"Yeonhwa, are you mad at me?" Joshua asks. "I'm sorry for not telling you what is going on." He hugs me tightly but I still ignore him, I could hear his whine but it was not enough for me. "Please don't be mad." A chill was running down my spine after Joshua used his deep whisper voice.

"I won't ignore you anymore," I said in a shaking voice. "Please forgive me." I kissed him on the cheek before hugging him, Joshua fell asleep before kissing me back. "Joshua are you mad?"

"No," he said while closing his eyes. "I'm never mad at you."


I woke up early and prepared for work while trying to be quiet since Yeonhwa is still sleeping. She looks so cute and lovely. I kissed her before leaving for work, today is going to be a busy day but I promise to take her on a date after I finish my work. I didn't eat breakfast since I usually eat at my office with Kihyun Hyung and other workers but today I decided to bring what Yeonhwa made for me yesterday. She made me bibimbap and crab soup with a little note saying 'Have a good day at work Joshua'.

"Did your wife make your food?" Receptionist Kim asks. "She is so nice." I smiled at her and walked to my office. Kihyun Hyung was already waiting for me. He looked concerned and had a lot of things to say.

"Sit down, I need to discuss something with you," Kihyun Hyung said. "This is very important and it is related to Yeonhwa." I started to get worried that someone might be trying to threaten Yeonhwa again.

"Yeonhwa is going to leave for the US before her Mafia test," Hyung said. "I know this is hard but she needs to go back to the US."

"I heard about it," I said. "I will miss her when she leaves for the US." I talked to Kihyun Hyung about the second headquarters getting attacked, and he said I know their plan about this. "Do you know when Yeonhwa is going to be back?"

"I don't know," he answers. "She said she will stay in the US for a couple of months for a family business." After talking to Kihyun Hyung for a while I went to a meeting and to my surprise Yeonhwa is there as a mafia clothes designer. I think that is why she is going back to the US because of her job. Why didn't she tell me about her design job? I was confused about who ordered the mafia clothes design, it could be Kihyun Hyung but I wasn't sure about it.

"Mafia Boss Joshua Kihyun chose this design for the mafia 's new uniform," she said. "Do you agree?" I look at the design and it looks different from what I saw before, this design is more my style and the color isn't too much.

"I like it," I said. "How long would it take to make?"

"Not that long, in a couple of weeks the uniform should be done," she said and the meeting is over. I requested to see her in my room. "Joshua, I'm sorry for not telling you."

"It's fine, do you want to go on a date?" I ask. "I finished my work." Seeing Yeonhwa happy is what I want to see every day, her lovely smile and voice. "Let's walk around the beach, the weather is nice to go by your motorcycle."

"Why are you smiling so big," she asked. "Is there something you're hiding?"

"Today is the anniversary of our marriage," I said. "I did something for you at the park." (I lost count of how many days they are married.)


Seventeen members were already standing in front of something, Joshua covered my eyes and led me toward something.

"Happy anniversary my love," he said, opening a box containing a motorcycle key. "I know you wanted a new bike so I got one for you." I always wanted a BMW bike and my dream came true. I kissed him deeply and everyone cheered. Today is the happiest day of my life. I could never imagine marrying someone lovely like him but soon our happiness would be ruined because of my trip to the US. "Let's have fun."

We walked around hand in hand enjoying the nice weather before Joshua had to go back to work. He also surprised me with a certificate for finishing motorcycle lessons which meant I have a buddy to ride with. After walking around for an hour he took my old bike back to the office while I went home with my dream bike. On the way home I saw my old friend Mina who was sitting at a coffee shop.

"Mina," I said. "Long time no see." I hugged her tightly, it has been a year since I saw my high school best friend. I don't know if she still has a crush on Jeonghan, I hope she does. Jeonghan deserves someone who truly cares about him.

"I heard you are married to a mafia boss," she said. "Congratulations, I wish Jeonghan would notice me."

"He will, it takes time," I said. "Yes, I'm married to Joshua hong. The biggest mafia boss after Kihyun."

"Do you still like Kihyun?" she asked. "He is a good boyfriend and husband."

"A bit but today is our anniversary and Joshua gave me a new motorcycle, the one that I told you about," I said. I texted Joshua that I'm going to the mall with Mina. "Let's go shopping." I went on a shopping spree using my card and bought my best friend matching clothes for me and Mina, surprisingly a guy came up to Mina and asked her out.

"Just say yes," I whisper to her. "This is your chance." She said yes and he came along with us. He looked cute and lovely. "Ask for his name." His name was Mark Lee from SM and Nct, Mina is lucky to have an idol who asks her out for a date. We stop by the food court since everyone is hungry, Mark volunteers to buy food for us. Such a gentleman. 

Arranged marriage - H. JoshuaWhere stories live. Discover now