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After hearing what TC said I called Joshua immediately and to my surprise there was a female voice nearby, she sounded close to him and was lovely. I demanded to talk to him privately and he said yes, I told all of my feelings to him and Joshua did too. I was shocked at how he never loved me and that all of his feelings are fake. I felt a bit better letting him know about my feelings. I truly love Joshua even if he treated me so badly.

"Are you feeling better?" Jaehyun asked. "You deserve a better husband."

"Now I know he doesn't love me at all," I said. "He pretends to love me to make my parents and his family happy."

"I see, I'm glad you get to tell him your feelings," Jaehyun said. "Please be happy, your heart is not as strong as you think it would be."

"I know what to do when I get back to South Korea," I said. "Divorce and then move out."


After calling Yeonhwa for a long time, I went back to have fun with my receptionist's parents and family members. I don't care if Yeonhwa's feelings are hurt. It is not my fault she trusted me this much and believed I truly loved her, well at one point I did love her but it slowly faded away.

"Don't tell me you are cheating on her," Scoup said. "You know Wonwoo and Jeonghan won't be happy when they hear this."

"Well, I grew out of love and I want to find a new person," I answer. "I know me and Yeonhwa haven't divorced yet but her family company is back up again so I have the right to find someone else."

"Hyung I don't understand you, Yeonhwa is a good person," Dino said. "I don't know why you are so picky."

"How about you marry her?" I ask. "You seem to love her a lot."

"Did she put a spell on you?" Jeonghan asked. "Dino is too young to marry someone."

"No, I just love her more than Yeonhwa," I answer. "And I know Dino is too young to get married, it's just a joke. I'm going to hang out with her, please don't bother me."

I was enjoying the party until Kihyun called and he started yelling at me for my bad behavior toward Yeonhwa and also about the current business. He wasn't happy about my choice and my life. He didn't let me talk until the end when I was allowed to say my final word as a mafia boss, it was not fair to kick me out but I guess he was right about the rule.

"What's wrong?" my new girlfriend asks. "If work is bothering you just leave it alone and have fun with me."


Kihyun reported to me that he had fired Joshua and also gave me a reason. I'm so ready to be the first female mafia boss. I just wonder what happens to Joshua's status and the rest of seventeen also his new receptionist girlfriend.

"I will throw a party for you when you pass your mafia test," Jaehyun said. "You will be honored and admired." I playfully hit him while throwing water. I remember how we were younger playing with water until our parents told us to stop before we caught a cold.

The sunset was beautiful to watch but I wish Joshua was still my husband and we could be one of the perfect marriages watching the sunset at the beach. I always dream about that but it never happens.

Today has been rough and I'm glad Jaehyun is at home for me to talk to, he is the only person by Kihyun who understands me well and lets me vent on them. Two more days and I will be judging in a fashion, I can't wait to see some amazing outfits and amazing people. After that day I fly immediately to South Korea leaving Jaehyun behind. I hope I can file a divorce paper in peace without my parents yelling at me. I wish I can be like my sister Daewhi and Daewha who filed for divorce 10 times already and they don't criticize.

Arranged marriage - H. JoshuaWhere stories live. Discover now