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Yesterday felt weird. I didn't know Joshua enjoyed it a lot, two more days until I leave for the US. My clothes are mostly packed with just a few more things I need to pack. Jaehyun asks me to buy something for his parents and he doesn't have enough space.

"Baby, I'm going to miss you," Joshua said. "Make sure to eat and call me every day."

"I will not worry," I said. I still don't know what happened yesterday at Joshua's office, I know Joshua is good at it. "What happened yesterday?"

"Naneun geoui dangsin-eul seong-gyo," Joshua said. "But I didn't. Don't worry, I did nothing bad."

"Did you?" Scoup ask. "When can I be an uncle?"

"Not yet," I said. "We are both busy with our work."

"Eat breakfast,"  Jeonghan said. "Joshua, there was an emergency call at your office. I think someone needs you."

"Yeonhwa, I'm sorry I have to go," he said and gave me a light kiss. "I promise to take you for lunch."


I rush to my office to see Kihyun Hyung sitting while my receptionist is on her knees crying, Hyung looks super mad.

"Care to tell your boss what you have done while he has gone," Hyung said. "If you don't want to, I will tell him."

"Boss, I'm sorry," she apologizes while crying. "I didn't send you those pictures while you were gone, I'm sorry for stealing the janitor key to get inside your office."

"What did she send me?" I ask Hyung. He pulled out a bunch of pictures and sent them to me, she sent me a rated R picture. "You know I have a wife."

"Yes, boss," she said. "I know you have a wife but I couldn't help myself. You are so handsome and hot."

"Leave before I call the guard on you," I said. She started crying while gathering her stuff and left my office. This is weird and awkward. I need to fire her before it turns into a big problem. "What the fuck, she didn't send me a picture there was also a letter and email me a video clip."

The clip she sent me is disgusting, it looks like she worked at a club before applying for my company. Kihyun Hyung sighs and completes a fire report for her, I'm glad Hyung is agreeing to fire her. I can't let Yeonhwa see this if she did. I don't know how she would react and her trip is in a couple of days, I don't want anything major to happen to affect her.

"We need to send this to the police too," Hyung said. "I call TC and his team here."

"What the," TC said. "That mess up, very bad. Where is her office?" Kihyun Hyung takes the police team to my receptionist's office while TC stays back with me, he watches the whole thing to find where she lives.

"She is obsessed with you," TC said. "I saw something like this. Very obsessed."

(I'm too lazy to think of a name so she will be preferred as Joshua's receptionist.)

"Captain, we found something else in her office," Zeke said. "Some more videotape."

TC couldn't stand it anymore so she got taken away for the question. Somehow Yeonhwa heard about the news and rushed to my office. I'm worried about how she would react but her reaction was neutral like she knew this was going to happen, I explained to her top to bottom. Everything including what TC was going to do with my receptionist, her reaction didn't change at all.

"I know this day is going to happen," she said. "I know hiring a girl receptionist will make you fall for her and forget about your wife."

"This is not what it looks like, I did not hire her," I said. "If you can listen to me explain you would understand."

"I understand that you are trying to cheat," she said. She sat on the couch far away from me while I tried to find a way to explain to her so Yeonhwa could understand, shortly after Jaehyun arrived. "Doctor said you can't drive a motorcycle."

"It's fine, I'm better now," Jaehyun said. "What happens?"

"Long story," I said. "I can't find a way to explain to Yeonhwa so she can understand."

"She understands but in her state of mind right now is jealousy and mad," Jaehyun said. "Give her a few days, make sure to not make her mad on the day of her flight. I don't know if she told you yet but Yeonhwa sometimes gets shocked and passes out, please don't make her pass out before her flight."

I think there are a lot of things she hides from me like she doesn't trust me, maybe I will never earn her trust.

"I need a private conversation with Yeonnhwa," I said and everyone left to go outside. "Yeonhwa, please tell me the truth. Have you ever trusted me?"

"Yes, I have trusted you for a long time," she said. "As of right now I don't, you have been very mysterious and nice to me. Why are you like that?"

"Because I know my mistake and I want to get closer to you," I said. "I felt bad for treating you terribly as a husband so I want to be closer to my wife."

"Are you pretending to be nice to me?" Yeonhwa asked. "Why can't we have a perfect marriage?"

"Our marriage is perfect," I said, trying to not yell at her. "I try to make it perfect and happy."

"I'm the one who tries to make our marriage happy but you always ignore me," she said. "I thought you would change after that accident but you never changed, always being a cold person."

"Yeolnhwa, I promise to change," I said. "Please give me a chance." I kissed her passionately but that didn't change her mind, the kiss got deeper and deeper making Yeonhwa change her mind quickly. "We are not doing this again." I went home with Yeonhwa because I will skip work for her, I look around to see all her stuff is packed.

Arranged marriage - H. JoshuaWhere stories live. Discover now