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The water's rushing in the walls again. I got the lights on and my room is probably being gassed again. I'll have to check the vents again to see if I can smell candy. Candy means laughing gas. It doesn't make me happy.

There's a bunch of ... other people, out there. Someone walked past. Shuffled, eye don't know. Probably one of the other inmates? He's my neighbour.

He's writing this literally...

Voices in his head....

He never says anything. It's in bold but it isn't meaningful. I think I hid out in his room one time.

He's a vegetable! He's a vegetable!

To escape the sweet-smelling blackout gas. I got scared because I-think I really think it almost gave me a heart attack.

Fucking evil!

I might have hid behind his door while he snored more times than that. Seemed to work. The guards, or nurses, didn't notice. Are they nurses? They give me pills which I spit out if I can. I tried vomiting it out once but it doesn't work.

Fucking mental fucking insane.

The water in the walls have stopped rushing now. There's a beeping noise. The beeping goes on all night.

I am on my bed. I forgot to mention that. And I have gastric reflux, possibly cos I skipped dinner, cos I forgot there was dinner, cos I was drawing. I asked to steal someone's food. As a joke, of course.

Someone stepped by just now.

Stupid. Step.
Fuck. Step.

Keep. Step. Crazy. Step. Or did I hear keep at it?

Someone made a movement. Fuck!

He's mental he's mental he's mental.

The beeping noise is still there. It sort of fades in, like an eeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeee. eeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeee. eeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I think it pinged this time. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeee-eee-eee-eee-eee-eee-eee-eeee. BLEEP BLEEP! Eee-eee—eeee-eeee. E-e-e-ee-ee-ee-ee. Is it morse code?

Evil genius evil genius evil genius
A vegetable a vegetable a vegetable

Someone walked past.
Kill killl kill kill him kill him kill him

The eeeeeeeeeeeee is still belieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeving.

I left my door open and stuck my towel near the hinges to try and disperse the gas.

Evil. Actually evil. MADMAN!

"Thank you." Someone said. They were also walking past.

Maybe it's the same person patrolling the area?


Shuffle shuffle step the sound of pages.

Clap-clap-clap. "Stupid."

They're killing him! They're killing him!

Go insane!

"Stay on your room! Stay in your room! Get into heaven! Stop crying!" A caretaker said. Probably.

I think they're like devils sometimes, it's in the eyes. They have this look.

The door creaked. Madman! It mocked.

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