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"You're a mental fuck!" Laughing

He knows everything!

I'm in my room, with my legs in an upside down Illuminati triangle again.

It was "SNACK TIME! SNACK TIME!" a while ago. I'll come back later.





There's sirens in here and the tv is definitely not talking to me about "evil dreams".

I started writing this on a new day probably, I don't know, the days did used to blend together, I think I heard a couple of guys pretending to be tooth fairies.

I'm in the lunch hall right now and there's some noise and mental cases in here.

The kitchen door is shut. The kitchen shutter is shuttered. The food is unavailable. The food is all inside my own stomach. I tried the desert and binned it cos I couldn't stand the sweet taste.

Because I'm an evil, bitter villain obviously.

I think the meds worked well enough for that.


Oh dear,

I almost heard the TV say:




Obviously not.

A mental case somewhere closer to the overloud TV is trying to order food. Probably.

And now another mental case started playing music and stopped.

It's all just noise.

I can't climb out of the windows, and I imagine them to insulate the sound and make it even louder in here.

There's a vent in the wall which I wish I could climb out of like Batman, in Batman Arkham Asylum. The game obviously.

I'm definitely not imagining myself to be in the -

Oh dear some patient coughed it might be c-c-covid.

The alarm's on. Another patient needs help.

It's going to be on for ages.

I'm sure I interacted with the mental case opposite me across the room earlier and fully believed her to be a Russian spy or something, or a test spy for Russian spies.

Is that another alarm?

There's a bubble writing "I LOVE YOU" on the plain white paper hung on the wall. It sure feels cozy in here.

I haven't been injected recently, thankfully.

I don't think the staff are out to get me anymore.


Let's do the uh, RUSSIAN ROULETTE.

I think I heard that from the weird guy who pretends to be a prophet.

Ah. A staff member in purple. I already feel safer. Definitely safe.

Now the crazy from earlier is dancing in front of the TV.

This environment makes me feel calm, and calm, and calm. And tomorrow I'm seeing a doctor.

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