Chapter 26

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"Mommy!" Stacy runs into my arms, her luscious, black hair swaying as she swings her head. The glistening of her blue eyes never ceases to send statics against my heart. I place her back down after planting a kiss on her cheek, fixing the white tulle part of her dress. The half blue top of the dress matches the color of her eyes, and I can see that she's nervous.

"What is it, baby?"

"What if he doesn't like me? I don't even have all my teeth." She flashes me her smile, showing the missing bottom tooth that she loves to show off.

"Baby, you are perfect. And trust me. Your father has never been one to judge people based on such superficial things. He has always looked at this." I point to her left chest. "Remember all the wonderful things I have told you about him? Well, now you can see for yourself."

I give her another reassuring kiss, just as the doorbell rings. We progress out of the bedroom, and I catch a glimpse of myself through the hallway mirror. My mint green dress is paired with a gray cardigan, making me look modest with a hint of cleavage from the round neckline. I'm not trying to impress him, I'm just trying to—ok. I'm trying to impress him, just a little.

I open the front door, and there he is, pristine in the radiance of sunlight. His serene features are countered with the tiredness of his eyes, and my heart skips knowing that I have been responsible for that.

Stacy hides behind me, until Damon has fully entered the house. She's peeking from one side of my leg, afraid to greet him. I can feel her tiny hands gripped around my legs.

"Damon, hi." I watch him glance over me, smiling uncomfortably as he tries to catch the face hidden behind my body.

I invite him inside, as tension and anticipation grows stronger.

Damon kneels to the floor as I close the door, gesturing a hand towards her. I slowly bring her around so that they were now a mere reflection against each other.

"Hi, Stacy. Oh my god, you're more gorgeous than I can possibly imagine," he speaks to her as gently as his deep voice can commend.

She's hesitant, as I nudge her closer, gesturing for her to take his hand in a shake. I try to introduce them.

"Anastasia, come here, love. This is—"

"Daddy," she shrieks, running into his arms, as he embraces her with all the devotion in the world. Their matching hair entangles, and I couldn't stop the drops of tears falling from my eyes. I owe him so much. I owe Damon so much.

"Anastasia, look how big you are," he mutters, placing a piece of her hair behind her ear after they have released each other.

"Mommy said I'm getting bigger everyday, and look," she shows him her prized missing tooth. "I have to lose my baby teeth to make space for my adult teeth."

"I don't think I like that word, adult, right now. I need some time for you to be my baby," he answers with adoration.

"I am not a baby. Mommy said you had to go on a trip really far away since I was a baby. Maybe that's why you think I'm still a baby. Come on, Daddy, I'll show you how high I can jump on the trampoline. Higher than any adult can."

"Daddy," he whispers, and my heart flutters at that word my daughter can so easily speak. I have feared for so long that she would feel alienated towards him, that he would find it hard to accept that she was made from his own flesh and blood. But here they are, addressing each other as if not a single minute has gone missing between them. I am grateful, but contrite by the absence of him for four years of her life, an absence caused by none other than myself.

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