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Josh's POV
I see that there is this girl spamming me.
Most girl put 'OMG your cals best mate follow me'
But she was putting 'hi josh it would be nice if I got a follow from you I would like to get to know you?😊x' she isn't like any other girl. I decided to click the follow button. I get a DM of her.
Chloe: hi josh thank you for following me.
Me: your welcome x
We end up having a conversation on the phone. I found out that she is a bit of a rebel and that she doesn't go to a normal school she is privately tutored. She also has to put up with her ex 4 times a week. She also stopped having feeling towards him when something happened and I want to know but I don't want to force her into telling me. Not long after that we ended up face timing. Omg she is beautiful the most gorgeous girl I have seen. "Mum I want a plane to Manchester please!" I shout to my mum. "What for josh?" My mum asked me. "So I can meet the most wonderful girl I have seen please mum you can't interfere with love!" I say begging and she gets in her laptop and gets a plane ticket. "Ok you leave in 2 days!" My mum says "I got cal and mia one too you can all go together ok if it's ok with their mum?" My mum said. I get my phone to text cal.
Me: you cal my mum just got me u and mia ticket to mcr you wanna come?
Cal: sure man
I go on Chloe's contact I saves her name as princess 👸💜
Me: I have a surprise for you I don't want you to say what so I'm saying it all in one? I'm coming to see you in Manchester in 2 day will you come to the Lowry hotel and I can get to know you more? Xxxxx
Princess👸💜: you know I'm 15 I will have to come with my best mate she is a fan of cal so yea it will work out? Xxxx
Me:sure babes I'll speak later I gotta pack love you loads xxxxxx
Princess 👸💜: I love you to josh xxxxx

"Omg cal I'm meeting her soon. Actually gonna meet her." I say. I'm nervous what if I fuck it up. "Dude she's just a girl!" Cal says. That's a lie. "Cal don't be harsh the boy is in love something your never going to experience." Mia says. "Dude you got burned by your sister!" I say laughing.
I arrive at the the hotel.
I get out my phone.
Me: hey princess I've just series at the hotel you and your best mate can come round if you want. Chloe I wanted to let you know that I really really like you and I want to get to know you and hopefully I will have toe courage to ask what I need to ask. Xxxxxx
Princess👸💜: I really like you too ever since you followed me I knew there was something about you your amazing your good looking and your kind and your just perfect I think i have fell in love with you! Xxxxx
Me: omg I have fell in love with you too your gorgeous your body is perfect your amazing Ijust can't wait too look in to your green eyes ! Xxxxxx chloe will you be my girlfriend?
Princess👸💜: yes josh yes I'll be your girlfriend but could you ask me to my face please? Xxxxx
Me: sure will do princess xxxx

"Cal cal the door get it please it's probably chloe and her best mate" I shout.

Cals POV
"Hey I'm cal you must be chloe josh is always talking about you and you are?" I ask looking at the girl with dirty blond hair. "I'm Jordan I know who you are I'm a fan of you!" She said. She is beautiful. "How about me and you go out and leave these too to it?" I ask her. I hope to get to know her. She seems nice and she is bloody gorgeous.

Chloe's POV
I stood there not knowing what to say I walk into Josh's room and he stands up and he walks owe to me and put his hands on to my cheek. He leans forward and my cold lips meet his warm lips I soon realize that he was kissing me. "Chloe smith please will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Josh asked. I've waited for this. Waited to be officially his.

Hey my sleeping beauties I know why I call you that because I was in bed and sleepy when I was writing this I wrote this at the top of my head and was falling asleep so I'm sorry if it's rubbish. I was also watching family guy so I was distracted and also thinking if this could ever be real because I really like josh.

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If you want a wattpad shouted out then you can ask and I'll do a shout out and i want to awnser some of your questions. When I think if josh my heart pounds faster ad while I'm writing this it is pounding like mad. I am in love with this boy. 😭 and it kills knowing he doesn't like me back but he did say to me that if he came to Manchester he wants to meet me and he also said that when I go Essex when I'm 18 he will come to the airport and I can meet him I actually can't wait 😁🙈💕
Don't forget I'll do your own mini story if you want?

Love you all my sleeping beauties

My perfect boy!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu