Part fure

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Chloe's POV
My first ever date.
"Josh this place is amazing how did you find it not even I knew about it?" I asked him. "I don't know!" Josh says chuckling. "I wasn't actually going to follow you on twitter because I was being lazy but I'm glad I followed you. Because it lead to this." Josh says. "Aye do you think Jord and Cal will end up getting together?" Josh asked. "Josh Jord has a boyfriend and they have been together for 6 months." I say and he puts his head on the table. "Oh I think Cal kinda likes her." Josh says. "Hey chloe when's your birthday?" Josh asked me. "Eh November 6th why?" I said. "We'll your 16 I'm planning a surprise and I just have to keep us going and I hope I can." Josh says. "I'm sure you will. And josh it's getting pretty late and Jord keeps ringing me so i think if it's best if we go back." I say and he looks disappointed. "Wait I found this place in the way and I think it's romantic." Josh says. We get in the taxi and he whispers to the taxi man.

Josh's POV
"Go to the bride where you make a wish." I whisper to the taxi driver. Me and Chloe just cuddle up in the back of the taxi. "Um hold this we're going to make a wish." I tell her. "Wow I did one when I was 2 years old I wished to be a princess." That's adorable. "Your are one it came true your my princess." I say and she blushes like mad. "Let's make this wish." She says. I wish for mine and Chloe's happiness to last forever.

Chloe's POV
Time to make a wish.
I wish for mine and Josh's happiness to last forever.
"What you wish for?" Josh asked. "If I tell it won't come true." I say.
Josh's hand brushes against mine as he locks his hand with mine and faces me towards him. I look deeply in his eyes. Josh leans forward pressing his lips against mine. "Chloe I will never stop loving you no matter what anyone says. You wished to be a princess and you are one. I promise I will be there for you when times are bad and when times are good but I promise to never leave your side want to know why?" Josh said. I nodded. "Because I love you chloe whatever your middle name is smith." Josh says. "I love you to Josh whatever your middle name is Clayden." I say chucking the fact that we don't know each other's middle name. he leans in and kisses me again.

Josh's POV
Our kiss was interrupted but Chloe's phone going off.
"Yes...we're coming...fine...I'm staying out tonight... Bye...fuck off Tyler...." Who is Tyler she has never mentioned him before. "Stupid brother just because I always get what I want and he gets nothing." She sounds annoyed. "Want to go back to the hotel?" I ask her and she nods.

20 minuets later we arrive at the hotel.
"Your home!!" Jordan shouts and runs over to chloe.

Chloe's POV
"Yes Jord I'm home!" I say as she hugs me. "I'm dying help me!" Then Jord let's go off me. "You gotta tell me how it went and what you did." I say with Jordan and told her about the date an how perfect everything was.
Night came and I fell asleep. I felt someone pick me up. "Daddy?" I said and I hear a small chuckle. "No princess it's joshyy" josh said. "Why you wake me up not nice." I said acting like a baby. "I was taking you to the bed so you can sleep better." Josh said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~such a short chapter but still wishing this was real more than anything 😭 😭😫🔫
This fanfic has came from the heart this is my actual true feeling. 😂 I hope if he ever reads this he won't embarrass me.
Ly my sleeping beauties.

My perfect boy!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu