Two cows,
Fed up with grass, field, farmer.
Barged through barbed wire
And found the beach.
Each mooed to each:
This is a better place to be,
A stretch of sand next to the sea,
This is the place for me.
And they stayed there all day,
Strayed this way, that way,
Over to rocks,
Past discarded socks,
Ignoring the few people they met
(It wasn't high season yet).
They dipped hooves in the sea,
Got wet up to the knee,
They swallowed pebbles and sand,
Found them a bit bland,
Washed them down the sea water,
Decided they really ought to
Rest for an hour.
Both where sure
They'd never leave here.
Imagine, they'd lived so near
And never knew!
With a swapped moo
They sank into sleep,
Woke to the yellow jeep
Of the farmer
Revving there
Feet from the incoming sea.
This is no place for cows to be,
He shouted, and slapped them
With seaweed, all the way home.