Far from the trouble and toil of town,
Where the reed-beds sweep and shiver,
Look at a fragment of velvet brown-
Old man platypus drifting down,
Drifting along the river.And he plays and dives in the river bends
In a style that is most elusive;
With few relations and fewer friends,
For old man platypus descends
From a family most exclusive.He shares his burrow beneath the bank
With his wife and his son and daughter
At the roots of the reeds and the grasses rank;
And the bubbles show where our hero sank
To its entrance under water.Safe in their burrow below the falls
They live in a world of wonder,
Where no one visits and no one calls,
They sleep like little brown billiard balls
With their beaks tucked neatly under.And he talks in a deep unfriendly growl
As he goes on his journey lonely;
For he's no relation to fish nor fowl,
Nor to bird nor beast, not to horned owl;
In fact, he's the one and only!