6. Attracted

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Jisoo knocked on Chaeyoung's door feeling bored, she wanted company from the blonde since she had spent the day lazing around the house with jennie and Lisa. She misses her, a bit.

"Who is it?"


Chaeyoung took away her hand, which was on the door handle. She sighed, still not over the fact that she had been slightly attracted to the cute woman because of the conversation, only knowing that it was actually Jisoo after quite a bit.

"Sorry, Chu, l-let's chat later. I'm doing work!" Nothing after that.

Jisoo was confused.

All of a sudden, Chaeyoung had started ignoring her.

It seemed like the younger one was avoiding her, but why? Did she do something wrong? What happened?? Jisoo didn't know, she was just confused on why the blonde would suddenly start to avoid her. It hurt, but she still took it for the girl's sake. It hurt that she was avoiding her, but Jisoo was determined to find out why.

And so, she went to seek help, from the one and only Jennie Kim.





"You said that Rosie's avoiding you? But why? When did she start to do that?" A confused Jennie sat on the beige floor next to Jisoo, who rested her head on her knees, a pout on her face.

"I don't know! That's why i'm asking. I think she started being all weird to me ever since the last activity of the program. I think it was having a conversation with the people you matched with? I remember talking to six people." Jisoo sighed, remembering how awfully awkward it was with one of them and how the person whom had laughed with her because of the beeps had kept her mind occupied the whole night.

Jennie raised her eyebrow after hearing what Jisoo said. "Just after the conversations? Is there a chance that one of them was actually her? Chaeyoung?" The cat eyed girl questioned, already having suspicions.

"No, although one was awfully similar, I think I mentioned her to one of the people, as well as Hank. I mentioned you guys as well, to one of them. She was really funny, and she has my humor! we kept laughing about the beeping!!" Jisoo sighed again. She had had suspicions that one of them was Chaeyoung, but there was no way.

No reason. In Jisoo's mind, there's just no way it was Chaeyoung.

Yeah, no way.

Meanwhile, Jennie had frozen on her spot.

There was just one person, well two, that has the same humor the older girl had, that Jennie knew of. One was Lisa, and one was Rosie.

"Jisoo, hang on, talk to you later, give me some time. I think I have an idea why." After that, Jennie stood up immediately, and before Jisoo could even say something, she had rushed away from their practise room.

"aish. I wonder what happened?"





Jennie rushed upstairs smirking. Knowing Lisa definitely wasn't the one Jisoo was talking about, (she had left before Jisoo's turn due to Lily's vet appointment) she had low-key confirmed that Chaeyoung was the person Jisoo had been talking about.

"Rosie? Can I come in?"

After hearing Jennie's request, Chaeyoung sighed and opened the door for her. "Of course, unnie."

When Jennie went inside the blonde's room, the said girl immediately went to her bed and sat down, patting the duvet inviting the brunette to sit on it. Jennie sat on the bed as well, her eyes burning into Chaeyoung's.

"What is it, Jen?" Chaeyoung sighed and hugged the white blankie to her, sniffing in the scent. Jennie smiled looking at the latter's nightstand, which had photos of her and Jisoo. She looked away, saving it for last.

"You're avoiding her." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. A statement that made Chaeyoung sigh and look away from Jennie's brown eyes. She knew perfectly well that Jennie was a human lie detector, but that didn't stop her from denying it immediately.

"I'm not, unnie. Really."

Jennie frowned and sat closer to the blonde, and the blonde stood up and sat further away, making the latter sigh. "I don't understand, Rosie. What's so bad about liking her?"

Chaeyoung whipped her head to the brunette, her eyes wide. "No. Jennie, no. I do not like Jisoo, unnie. No. really, i don't, Jen. I don't like Jisoo!"

The brunette raised her eyebrow, amused. "I never said who, you know. I was just asking what's so bad about liking her. I didn't say it was Jisoo you liked, i didn't say it was Jisoo you avoided. Why did you assume so quickly that I was talking about her?"

"N-No, i d-didn't say it was J-Jisoo, b-but you just s-said that I was a-avoiding her and I..I thought you were t-talking about J-Jisoo, you were just talking about h-her, weren't you? I d-don't...I d-didn't..." Her eyes wide, Chaeyoung started stuttering, rambling about who knows what.

Holding up her hands, Jennie stopped Chaeyoung from rambling further. "hey. woah. Chill, girl, you're rambling. Bad."

Giving up, Chaeyoung looks back down, glaring at her hands. "Fine. You're right. I'm avoiding her. It's just because of....personal reasons. That's it."

"Rosie, what's wrong about feeling attracted to her? Jisoo? It's not something to be ashamed of, Chaeng. You can't control feelings."

"I'm not attracted to Jisoo!"

"So you're telling me the eleven-year crush you've had on Jisoo has faded? Entirely?"


To be continued <3

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