16. Comfort

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Jisoo stared at the small pink paper, feeling never so weak. She gulped and picked up the white blankie, sniffing it carefully.

A weak smile formed on her face. It had Chaeyoung's scent.

She hugged the white blankie to her body, nuzzling her face into it as she sniffled. Jisoo gripped the paper, trying her best not to break down in tears.

Jisoo sighed, then slowly put the pink paper down, her nose still stuffed into the blankie. She slowly opened her door, and found Kuma staring at her. She smiled at the cute dog, then headed to Chaeyoung's room, before chickening out and changing her direction to their rooftop.

She stared at the sky, letting pain roam through her body as she closed her eyes, embracing the sadness.

That was, until, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Fancy seeing you here, unni." Jisoo whipped around instantly, and found herself staring into the gorgeous hazel eyes of a certain blonde.

Chaeyoung smiled softly at Jisoo, whose nose was still buried in the blankie.

"W-What are you doing here?" Jisoo stuttered, suddenly feeling shy in front of the blonde.

Chaeyoung chuckled at the raven's cuteness. "I came up here knowing I'd see you."


"You wanted to see me, did you not?" Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows teasingly at Jisoo, who turned shy again.

"I-I didn't- I mean I d-did, well I didn't e-exactly-." Jisoo stuttered out again, mentally face palming herself for stuttering this bad in front of someone who had known her for more than a decade.

Chaeyoung cut the stuttering raven by chuckling. "Unni, stop, you're rambling. It's okay. Hmm? It's alright. Deep breaths." Chaeyoung steadied Jisoo with her hands on her shoulder.

Jisoo took a few deep breaths, before opening her mouth again. "H-How did you know?"

"You were heading to the end of the corridor, which is exactly where my room is, then you suddenly changed directions so I kinda assumed that you were looking for me so I followed you up here." Chaeyoung gave her a wide smile, and Jisoo just couldn't help but return a small one.


"So...why did you want to see me?" Chaeyoung asked, turning back to the stunning view as she scooted closer to Jisoo.

Jisoo looked at her and frowned when she could only see Chaeyoung's neck if she looked with her head straight. "You're taller."

Chaeyoung laughed and patted her head. "Or, my darling unnie, have you just shrunk?"

Jisoo frowned more and smacked Chaeyoung, a huge pout on her heart shaped lips. "Meanie."

"Such a cutie."

Chaeyoung said, making Jisoo blush bright red. "What did you say??"

"I said such a cutie. What, how are you not a cutie?? Look at those lips. Such a baby. Pouty pouty baby." Jisoo rolled her eyes.

"What the heck is pouty pouty baby???"

"Nothing. Anyway, you haven't answered my question yet. Why did you want to see me??" Chaeyoung turned serious, and Jisoo knew that there was no way of wriggling out of this conversation.

"I saw the note."

"Oh really? Well and?"

"I wanted a real hug." Jisoo said in a small voice, which Chaeyoung found absolutely adorable, and she looked down at her fluffy bunny slippers.

Chaeyoung smiled again, before gently embracing the little raven. Feeling tender fingers running down her hair plus the warm hug, Jisoo suddenly felt weak in her knees.

Holding her tears at bay, Jisoo took huge breaths. But when Chaeyoung whispered an "its gonna be alright, soo.", Jisoo found herself no longer able to hold back.

Tears ran down her cheeks as she buried her face in Chaeyoung's shoulders. Sobs escaped the raven's mouth as she gripped Chaeyoung's hands.

And Chaeyoung felt her heart breaking in pieces hearing Jisoo's painful sobs. She caressed the tiny raven's hair, whispering calming words to soothe Jisoo. She kissed her temple softly, murmuring sweet words into her ear.

Chaeyoung couldn't do anything but hold the raven securely in her arms, but little did she know this meant everything to Jisoo.

For so long, Jisoo had been trying to find her safe haven, a haven where she could do anything with. Laughing, crying, chatting...anything.

For so long, Jisoo had been trying to find a person whom she was comfortable enough to show her vulnerable side.

For so long, Jisoo had been trying to find someone, who would hold her in their arms, a someone who could give her comfort.

For so long, Jisoo had been finding that someone.

And unbeknownst to Chaeyoung, Jisoo felt exactly that, with the blonde woman.

Being in her embrace, Jisoo had never found so much comfort.


To be continued <3


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