Hawkins High School

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The next day Emily was filled with a sense of dread.

Mike hadn't really spoken to Emily since she had gotten home, and she was a bit pissed off that it had come out of the blue. She hadn't really tried to speak to Nancy, who constantly seemed to be doing something related to the school newspaper or driving out of Hawkins, often coming back looking slightly dishevelled but alleviated. She also noticed the duffel bag Nancy would take out with her, and more than once she had seen a rifle and various other firearms sticking out of the bag. Emily decided it was best not to ask.

She woke up and dressed in white-washed jeans, with a turtleneck colour block jumper tucked into them. She donned a windcheater over the top of this, and tied her hair half-up half-down to keep it out of her face but still keep the nape of her neck warm. She threw a pair of Reebok sneakers on her feet and headed upstairs.

Nancy was eating breakfast and reading the newspaper, not dissimilarly to her father Ted, both of them eagerly guzzling black coffee. Mike was having the same breakfast as Holly - Eggo waffles heavily drizzled in maple syrup.

"Good morning. sweetie," Karen smiled, sipping on a tea. "Help yourself to something, then Nancy'll drive you kids to school."

Nancy smiled at Emily before delving back into the newspaper, and Mike didn't even look up, to intently chowing down on his breakfast. Emily awkwardly put bread in the toaster and waited for it to pop. Everyone was silent, and she couldn't tell whether it was because of her or not.

The loudest thing that happened that morning was her toast popping, and that made her jump.

"If that makes you jump, you won't survive a week in Hawkins," Mike said, and he and Nancy shared a look.

"Michael! Don't be rude," Karen said, and gave Mike a look.

"Well," Nancy interrupted, and pushed herself back from the table. "I've got to get to school early to finish arranging the newspaper, so if you guys want to hitch a ride we're leaving now."

"Michael, show Emily to the reception so she can get sorted with classes. And you make sure she has a good day!" Karen yelled as the three of them left the house.

Emily doubted that anything Mike did would help her have a good day. She was just willing it to be over already.


It wasn't too hard to get her sorted with a timetable, but because of how late she was to the year it meant she could only chose three of the subjects that she wanted to do, and then she was randomly allocated into the other classes that would fit.

It meant she ended up doing literature, history, and home economics by choice, English and maths by force and chemistry and music by allotment. She loved music, but really didn't know the first thing about any of the chords or whatever else came along with music, and so was dreading being in the class. At least she had a basic understanding of chemistry from the years previous, and so that was less of a worry.

The receptionist gave Emily a map and her timetable, and sent her on her way with a smile. Mike was nice enough to show Emily where her locker was, and then he ran off as soon as she was unloading her books into it.

"Prick," she swore, and slammed the locker door shut, nearly jumping out of her skin when she realised there was someone leant against the locker beside hers, facing her.

"I hope that wasn't directed at me," the boy said, and smirked at her beneath blonde curls.

"No, not at this exact moment in time," she responded, and the boy raised his eyebrows at her accent.

"You're new here," he said, and pushed himself off the locker so that he was standing directly in front of her. He was very attractive, and much taller than her, and Emily's heart thudded in her chest as he took a step closer, looking down at her from his height. Maybe she was only fluttery because that hardly ever happened - her being five foot eight.

"I'm Billy," the boy said, and held out his hand. Emily took it, and his hands were well-worn and cool.

"Emily. I'm from-"

"Australia, yeah - I picked up on the accent," he interrupted, and laughed breathily. "They certainly don't have many girls like you in Hawkins."

Emily swallowed, hard. She tried to hold Billy's eye but dropped her own, nervous. Billy grabbed her chin, tilting it back up to face him. He smirked, and his eyes travelled from her eyes down to her lips, then back up to her eyes.

"I'm sure I'll see you around," he mumbled, and walked off, leaving Emily confused and more than slightly flustered.

She ran to the bathroom and ran cool water over her hands, pressing her hands to the nape of her neck where she could feel the blush creeping.

"Oh, hey." Emily looked up at the mirror to see one of very few familiar faces.

"It's Robin, right?" Emily asked, flicking droplets of water from her hands into the sink.

"Yeah, that's me," she replied slightly awkwardly, and approached the sink. "First day, huh?"

"Yep. I mean, it hasn't really started yet but I'm sure it'll be an experience."

"Oh, yeah, of course," Robin replied hastily, seemingly a little bit nervous. "But I'm sure you'll have a great day. Don't be worried about it, I'm sure you'll be great."

Robin had obviously mistaken Emily's flustered demeanour to be in relation to school, and Emily had no desire to correct her. Just then, the bell went for first period, and Emily pulled out her timetable.

"Chemistry, damn it."

"With Dr Rogers?" Robin asked, a look of hope in her eyes.

"Yeah, why?"

"That's my class," Robin replied, and Emily was immediately grateful to have someone she knew in the class she liked the least. "You can seat with me if you like?"

"Thanks, that would be great," Emily said, and smiled at Robin, who smiled back somewhat shyly and turned a little bit pink.

"What's chemistry like at this school, anyway?" Emily asked as they walked.

"Oh, it sucks. There is nothing as bad as a high school professor with a PhD whose stuck teaching science in a place like Hawkins. The sense of grandeur he thinks he has over this town is honestly slightly comical."

Emily laughed. It was the first time she had since arriving in Hawkins. Maybe, she decided, chemistry wouldn't be so bad after all. And maybe, just maybe, Hawkins wouldn't be so dull as she thought it was going to be.

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