Mundane morning

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"whatever happened here, will stay here"


The lady smiled while gripping on her coffee, the dawn welcoming her and the new awaken sun kissing her skin, she sipped on her cold coffee while clicking her heels on the empty street, it was just seven in the morning and she was way too ahead of the actual reporting time. She was always like this, so right, so perfect and so lovable.

A heavy breath escaped as she entered her office, the first employee to report in the morning. She straight went to her chamber and arranged her things,  keeping her beloved coffee on the table and unfolding her folders. Her fingers combing the strands of her smooth brown hair and then straight to the first drawer on her right, picking out the cookie jar.

Her eyes were fixed on all the account sheets, already finding tons of error on the first page.

"Damn! it's gonna be a long day", she sighed while taking her cup again and leaning back on her chair. Irrespective of that frustration, she smiled thinking about last night, it was one of the most memorable day for her because her marriage has been fixed with her love of life.....oh how much she loved him and how much she is willing to sacrifice, in her words,  anything and everything for him.  

Things are going just perfect after that vacation, which was an year ago already. She couldn't believe that she's living her dream, she is finally here, the thing she thought was just utopian.

Her dream one day, here preparing her wedding with the one she love. She picked her phone and without any doubt called her fiancé. 

"Good morning babe!", she didn't heard a reply from the other line and frowned, she checked the called person and was sure she was on the right line, "Hello Jungkook", this time she heard some rummaging sound and predicted that he just woke up, "H-hi", she chortle hearing his husky voice. 

"G-good morning T-Tzuyu", she smiled meanwhile he stood up from the floor on which he relaxed last night and unconsciously slept there, under the night sky. "Uh I just woke up.....I'll call you later Tzuyu", he arranged his hair meanwhile she just hummed, and within another second she hung up the call, satisfied that she called her darling and he was alright, at least from what she knows he is perfectly fine.
What happened last night was just so dream like for her, her parents with his, choosing suitable date for engagement and marriage, like a big happy family she always wanted.

It was their parent's first meeting and they clicked so well together, she was so glad that his parents were so happy about them and 'their decision'.


Minatozaki Sana

"Fuck...this morning", I groaned holding my head, I shouldn't have drink last night but how could I not when it was literally my best friend's engagement and my dorky friends booked a whole damn club just for us to celebrate. Plus free alcohol and food, who would miss those, only a stupid.

No, it wasn't my dear best friend but the loudest girl in our squad, the oldest too and somehow the most unexpected. She is choosy and not a girl who marries first but let's be honest, no one can deplore the world wide handsome. Nayeon unnie and Jin oppa, oh how cute they look together, just so perfect. Plus their height difference, that is so cute.

 I stepped out of my room just to see the most unexpected sight, or maybe kind of expected but just not so great. It was Taehyung sleeping shirtless on my couch, his hands free falling from the mattress and he just look like a kid like that, his mouth parted while his hair is messed up like our life, not something to joke about, from afar we two surely look satisfied and happy, not when you put yourself in our shoes. I looked the other couch, finding loads of empty beer on the rug and my precious pink blanket on the floor. He drank the whole night again.

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