Jonnie 💛🧡: The Little hero

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Then, meanwhile, in Northern Wei Jay lived together with Lonnie and his son, named Kay. They lived together with Lonnie's parents, since they were too old and too weak to live on their own. They were also happy to live with their daughter, son in law and grandson. Jay felt like their own child for them, since he was kind and strong and perfect for the family. Kay was just like his parents, uncle and grandparents into sports and fighting. You could say that it ran in the family. 

One day Lonnie and Jay went out to go for sporting when they were stopped by their son. “Hey little dude, what are you doing?”, Lonnie said, lowering herself to Kay's length. “I wanna go with you!”, he said, jumping in excitement, “Grandma learned me some stuff already! She said that I am ready to go with you!”. Mulan walked silently into the room, while she was on her way to the kitchen. Lonnie turned to her mother as she complained: “Mother? Why did you tell him that? He is just a small innocent child”. “He is less innocent than you think, my dear...”, her mother answered with a smile and went on with walking to the kitchen. “It's fine, baby. We can take him with us. It's no big deal!”, Jay encouraged. “Yeah, dad's right, mommy!”, Kay agreed. Lonnie glared at Jay and then at Kay and she rolled her eyes at Jay as she agreed. “Yay!”, Kay yelled as he ran out of the house. “Son! Wait!”, Jay yelled after him. “Let's go...”, Lonnie said and together with her husband she ran after her son.

Later on they were on the sporting field and strange enough, the bosses didn't mind Kay sporting with the adults. “Okay, Kay, be a good boy and go run some laps, while I train with daddy, okay?”, Lonnie told the kid, who nodded and did what he was told. When he was gone, Lonnie grabbed two swords and gave one to Jay. “Ready?”, Jay asked his wife. “Sure am”, Lonnie smirked and they started to sword fight each other. After 5 minutes of sword fighting they heard a scream. “That's Kay”, Lonnie recognized. She and Jay dropped their swords and they ran off away to the sound and saw a tall muscular guy together with him. “Kay!”, Lonnie screamed, but Jay hold her back. “Don't Lonnie!  We'll sneak behind him”, Jay whispered to her and she nodded quietly, but when they were about to do that Kay kicked the guy and smacked him and fought him and the guy laid after a while on the ground, crying for help. “Impressive...”, Kay's father spoke and he smirked at his son. “Thanks dad!”, Kay answered. “Mom was right after all”, Lonnie chuckled and she picked up Kay. “Our little hero... You'll get a ice cream if we get home, okay?”. “Yay! Long live Grandma!”, the little boy laughed and they went home.

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