Carvie 💙❤️: The Men with Mustaches

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Evie was busy in the kitchen, while Ellie and CJ were running around. “Give my barbie doll back!”, Ellie screamed. “No way! I want to use it's hair!”,  CJ yelled back running circles. “CJ, you stupid idiotic weird boy! Give me my doll now!”, Ellie screamed again and rolled with her brother over the ground, trying to grab the doll out his hand. “Kids? Are you ok?”, Evie asked as she walked into the room, she saw the two wrestling. “Carlos Oscar De Vil Junior, Eleanor Claire De Vil! What do you two think you are doing?!”, Evie yelled at the twins. “Sorry, mom”, Ellie said, “But CJ just won't give me back my doll...”. “CJ...”, Evie said on a sharp tone. “Yes, mom”, CJ said and he looked at his mother's face as he handed the doll over. “Where is dad again?”, Ellie asked, “He would do games with me when he came back”. “He is having a sleepover with his friends: Kay's dad, Mallory's and Harvey's dad and Aqua's dad”, Evie smiled, “I miss him too, sweeties”.

Then the doorbell went over and over again and Evie's eyes lit up as she imagined it was her husband. “Daddy!”, the twins yelled and they ran to the front door and opened it to see their father standing there. Evie walked behind them to see Carlos standing in the door opening. “Hey Queenie”, he smiled as he nodded at Evie. “Hey babe”, his blue haired wife smiled and then they went over to each other and kissed each other. Then a horn of a car went over and Evie looked over to see a white bus standing over there and Jay smiled and waved through the window, while Harry and Gil, who were sitting in the back smiling. “I know Jay! I know! Calm down, Bro!”, Carlos yelled. “Bye Dude! See ya later!”, Jay called out and started driving away. “Bye C Dog!”, Harry and Gil yelled through the window. And the bus was turning around the corner and away was it.

That's when Evie noticed something at Carlos' lips. “Baby... Did you grow a mustache in 3 days?”, the blue haired girl asked. “No, Jay had a wig and he had cut it in small parts. Then we played Truth or Dare and after a while Jay dared me to make a mustache, until I came home. And here I am, so I'll rip it off”, Carlos explained. “I want it too!”, CJ screamed, “Let me get Ellie's black haired doll and I'll make the perfect mustache!”. “Don't you dare!”, Ellie screamed back and ran after her brother. “I had just solved the problem...”, Evie mumbled. “I am sorry... How can I make it us to you?”, Carlos asked. “Maybe this will work”, Evie smiled and then she kissed the white haired guy and he kissed back.


Hey people, I haven't update it for a while so that's why I decided to update this with this strange story, but I hope you liked it. This was made for JingXuanPoh

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