Waking up next to you

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I woke up feeling someone placing kisses all over my face and my eyes fluttered open to see bellatrix planting kisses on my face

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I woke up feeling someone placing kisses all over my face and my eyes fluttered open to see bellatrix planting kisses on my face. I groaned since I was really tired and she carried on kissing me making me suddenly laugh.

"Ahh my baby is finally awake. I've been waiting for you to wake up I've been bored and I wanted to hear your pretty voice and see your beautiful eyes I get lost in" she said laying down next to me moving some of my messy bed hair out of my face

"I've missed you to but I'm sleepy Bella" I groaned covering my face with the fluffy blanket that I love

"Well guess what just stay here with me and we can cuddle all day. Sound like a plan?" She said placing a kiss on the top of my head

I nodded and moved closer to her and placed my head on her chest and she began playing with my hair. I looked up at her and she was already looking down at me smiling oh how much I love that smile I thought. I was staring into her brown eyes which I always got lost into and she was smiling and blushing as she was looking at me.

"Hmm I love you bella. You know that right" I whispered softly caressing her face

"And I love you" she said tapping the tip of my nose making me giggle


Me and Bella were still sitting in bed and we switched positions and my body was turned on the side and my head was on her thighs and she was softly playing with my hair and I closed my eyes and felt my self drifting off but bellatrix shook my body lightly and she tilted her head looking at me.

"Don't go back to sleep. I woke you up for a reason I don't want to be alone and bored" she said pouting

"Okay then...well how about we get in the shower together then get back into bed babe?" I said standing up taking her hand in mine

She nodded and we grabbed some fresh pajama's and some towels and we headed into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and I turned around to see bellatrix getting undressed making me bite my lip and she chuckled. She grabbed my hand and we both stepped into the shower together and I bent over to grab the shampoo and she wrapped her arms around my waist from behind. This made me get butterflies she always does this, she rested her head on my shoulder and she began to kiss it softly.

"Baby I need to wash my hair"

"Need me to help you" she said taking the bottle from my hand

I nodded because I knew she wanted to. She put some shampoo on her hands and began massarging it into my hair making my eyes roll to the back of my head since it felt so good. Her nails were scraping against my scalp and she massaged it in well. I rinsed off the soap and I turned around and washed bella's hair and began massarging her shoulders and she let out little soft moans making me smile.

20 minutes later me and Bella were now back in bed cuddling and I could stay like this forever. I climbed on top of her lap and brought her into a kiss which was full of love and we both melted into it. I can't put into words how much I love this woman I know she's evil and she kills people but when she's around me she's different and she acts like a little softie. I love her so much and I would do anything for her.

I love you bellatrix black.


Authors note: hello! my first chapter u can use these for shifting if u like or maybe u can make them longer carrying in from this chapter. Let me know what u think

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