A punishment (NSFW)

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Wow how have I ended up here I was in malfoy manor in the cell I was captured by one of the death eaters brilliant. it was freezing down here I was sat on the cold hard floor shaking and I was scared in case something and was gonna happen to me.

It was dark I didn't know what time it was or if it's night or day the only thing helping me see a bit was a few candles which were hanging on the wall. I heard the wooden door unlock and I closed my eyes not wanting to see who was coming down here I heard foot steps coming towards me someone wearing high heels?.

"Why u closing your eyes sweetie" the woman said in a childish voice

Fuck is that who I think it is. I felt someone sit down besides me and grab my jaw harshly and I opened my eyes and there was the curly haired witch in front of me smirking.

"Good girl finally you opened your eyes for me" the witch whispered

"W-what do u want?"

"What do I want oh you fucking mudblood do you not know what I want!"

"N-no please tell me" I said getting scared now

The witch sighed and she rolled her eyes before speaking.

"I've seen u walking through the woods these past few days..even through the night which u shouldn't do and I find you fascinating"

What does she mean by that?.

"And I thought if I capture her she will learn a lesson from me y/l/n"

"How do u know my n-name miss?"

"Oh darling how can I not I've seen u everywhere. Now I think it's time for a lesson from me" she bit her lip

The witch leaned forward and began caressing my body softly making me smile and blush. I never thought a witch like her would do such a thing since I was wearing a skirt she lifted it up to my knees and began tugging at my underwear.

I nodded and she tugged and shook her head.

"Words sweetie" she whispered seductively


"Yes what come on"

"Yes m-mommy" I said nervously

"That's my good girl"

She swiftly took of my underwear and I spread my legs for her oh gosh how long I've been waited to get fucked by someone like her she is so hot. The witch leaned down and licked her lips as she saw my wet pussy making her turned on.

She began rubbing small circles on my clit making me moan. I couldn't believe this was happening right now.

"Hmm so wet for me..thought you would of been all innocent darling but I guess not"

"Please f-fuck me"

"Your so desperate for my touch aren't you baby girl"

Fucking hell if she carries on talking to me like this I might as well touch myself.

"Y-yes I need your touch please" I said as she carried on circling my clit

The woman slipped 2 fingers inside of my wet hole and we both moaned I didn't even know the same of this woman but I do recognise her from somewhere. My head flung back hitting the wall as I felt her cold fingers moving inside of me this felt like pure heaven.

"You like it when mommy fucks you with her fingers, huh?"

I just nodded I was speechless but that wasn't good enough for her.

"Words my slut"

"Yes m-mommy it's so good"

As she carried on curling her fingers she whispered something into my ear.

"W-what?" I moaned

"My name is bellatrix. Scream that when you cum all over my pretty fingers"

"Such a p-pretty name" I smirked

"Thank u my little slut" she said kissing my neck

Bellatrix added an extra finger making my back arch and I was a moaning sweaty mess. How was this happening?. I began to moan her name as she whispered seductive things into my ear whilst still thrusting her fingers deeply inside of me.

"Ugh f-fuck mommy. I'm so close don't stop!"

"Don't worry baby I won't stop"

A few minutes later I felt my climax building up. My moans were echoing through the cellar and bellatrix kept on saying dirty things into my ear.

"Mommy I need to c-cum"

"Hm cum for me baby"

And with that I scream her name and came all over her fingers. Bellatrix removed her fingers and sucked them clean moaning at the taste. After that she helped me put my clothes back on and kissed my lips softly.

"Come on you can stay with me. I'm not letting you stay down here" she said holding out her hand with a slight smile on her face

I smiled and took her hand and we went upstairs.


Authors note: this was so bad but it's an idea hope u liked it.

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