Another life time

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Get some tissues and prepare to sob your little heart out besties.

Get some tissues and prepare to sob your little heart out besties

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It was currently 20.48am and I was sitting on my bed sobbing in my hands because me and my girlfriend bellatrix had gotten into a argument. We haven't had a fight like this in a long time and it always affects me because of how badly she raises her voice or because she doesn't believe a word I say but mostly it's because I don't want us to separate.

The argument started because one of my closest friends who has a crush on me called me beautiful. Bellatrix knows I don't like her in that way and she knows I only love her but once again she doesn't believe me. As millions of thoughts were rushing through my head the door swung open and bellatrix stormed towards me and grabbed my wrist and yanked me up.

"Pack your fucking bags y/n!" She shouted in my face whilst I had tears streaming down my soft delicate cheeks

"W-why I haven't done anything wrong?" I said quietly trying to make her let go of me

"That bitch! Wants you and I know for a fine fact you want her"

"I don't want her your not listening I only want you always. No bellatrix is just egnoring everything I'm saying and telling me to leave and never see her again!" I sobbed

She rolled her eyes and I sighed and grabbed my bag and started throwing everything that belonged to me inside. I could barely see where I was throwing it from my eyes being all blurry from crying but right now I didn't give a shit. If she wants me to leave I'll leave but I won't come back.

"I'm doing this all for you bellatrix once again for you!" I shouted as a threw the last piece of clothing inside my bag

"Shut the fuck up y/n you should appreciate me looking out for you for these 4 years we have been together"

I dropped my bag from her words is she fucking serious right now.

"You being there for me..Jesus bellatrix think properly I have always been here for you when your not well or when your stressed anything. All you do is get jealous when I hang around with my friends that's not helping me!" I shouted walking over to her

Bellatrix grabbed a hold of my neck and pushed me up against the door and I began crying even harder than I was before. I have never seen bellatrix in this way before and it really scared me. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and I gathered up all of my strength and pushed her off me and I picked up my bag and headed to the front door to leave.

"Y/n I'm sorry please I don't know what just gotten into me please forgive me" she said with tears filling up her eyes

"You should of thought about that before you done it bellatrix. Now if you don't mind I'm leaving like you asked me to"

"No no I don't want you to leave. I didn't know what I was saying I didn't mean it don't leave please I'll do anything for you to not leave"

I shook my head and turned the door knob and I turned around.

"Thank you for making me feel loved. Goodbye"

Time skip 2 years later and bellatrix's pov

I was in malfoy manor reading a book that I've always loved it reminds me of me and y/n. Still to this day I can't stop thinking about her maybe if I just believed what she said I would of still been with her today. I began tearing up but smiling at the same time thinking about her beautiful smile her soft hair and her beautiful eyes that I always used to get lost in.

Narcissa suddenly came in the room and she had a worried and sad expression on her face. I quickly wiped away my tears and stood up putting my book on the table.

"What's wrong cissy?"

"I don't know how to say this bellatrix"

"Just go on and say it please otherwise I'll be waiting all day" I said

Narcissa took a deep breath and she began tearing up and what she told me made me feel like my heart had been torn out of my chest.

"It's y/n..she passed away yesterday she died from a spell. Iam so sorry bella"

"Oh no" I said quietly as my lip started to tremble

"I seen it yesterday. I tried to save her, I killed the person who killed her but it was to late. I rushed over to her and she was trying so hard to catch her breath and she said something about you"

"She said tell bellatrix I love her" narcissa cried

That broke my heart I fell to the floor on my knees and screamed into my hands. I can't believe I made her leave me i won't be able to know that she isn't Alive anymore I can't live knowning she's not in the world. Narcissa wrapped her arms around me and kept on saying
'I'm so so sorry' which made me sob ever harder because it wasn't helping.

"P-please I won't be able to live without her..I
C-cant do it cissy" I Cried hard

"Bellatrix you will have to. It's going to be really hard but you will get used to it"


"Shhh calm down" she said rubbing my back softly

I carried on sobbing into her arms until I fell asleep from my eyes beginning to feel heavy and sore.

2 weeks later I still haven't recovered I'm crying myself to sleep every night and all day. I was now at the astronomy tower looking at the starts twinkling in the night which was beautiful. Oh how I wish y/n was with me right now I thought.

"Oh my beautiful y/n I know your up there dancing in the sky for me. I know how much you loved to dance" I said tearing up smiling

I know she's up there having the time of her life. Watching down on people who she loves most and hopefully I'm one of them.

"I'll see you in a another life time my darling" I whispered


Authors note: okay guys I'm crying my eyes out right now. I'm also listening to a comfort character playlist which is making it worst but I hope you liked it.

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