I just want cuddles

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Me and Bella have just woken up from a little nap since we were tired. It is currently 7.15 at night and the moonlight outside was shining through the curtains onto mine and bella's face. I was playing with her black curls softly making her hum she was still half asleep bless her I kept on giving her little kisses on her cheek making her smile softly.

I lifted up to go into the bathroom and fill up my glass with water as I did bellatrix groaned and I looked at her with a confused look on my face.

"Dont go im cold baby" she pouted holding her arms out

"Babe I'm just going to get a glass of water I'll be 20 seconds" I chuckled grabbing my class getting out of bed

"Ughh fine"

I laughed and went into the bathroom which is joined with our bedroom and turned on the tap and filled my glass up with water. I could hear bellatrix tossing and turning in bed I'm guessing trying to get comfortable or warm.

"I'm coming darling" I shouted from the bathroom

"Hurry up y/n. I need your cuddles"

Oh how my heart melted at her words. I turned off the tap and headed back into the bedroom to see bellatrix covering half of her face with the blanket. I climbed back into bed and I didn't cuddle her on purpose to see what she was going to say.

I could feel her looking at me and she touched my waist but I didn't look at her.

Bellatrix's pov

Y/n was just laying there looking at the wall I touched her waist softly to get her attention but she didn't look at me. I felt my lip quiver I don't know why I'm getting upset I'm just craving her hugs right now and she's not giving me them.

I turned around so I wasn't facing her and tears began rolling down my cheeks I tried to stay quiet but y/n heard me. As soon as she heard me she grabbed a hold of me and pulled my body towards hers and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I just wanted to see what you would do" she said kissing my cheek

"N-no y/n you know I needed cuddles and you didn't give me t-them" I cried pushing her away

"Hey no I'm sorry. Please forgive me just let me hug you" she said in a worried tone

"No y/n go away!"

She removed her hands off me and I felt her climb out of bed and she opened the door and slammed it a little making me feel bad.

Back to y/n's pov

I went downstairs and sat in the living room feeling like shit I shouldn't of done that I just wanted to see what she would do. I put my hands in my face and I began crying.

Gosh why would I do that I'm such a horrible person I made her cry and I never make her cry we're always happy. I heard little foot steps come down the stairs but I carried on crying and I felt 2 arms wrapped around my body and I looked up to see Bella looking at me.

"It's okay babe. I'm sorry I shouted at you I didn't mean it I just needed your comfort"

"I k-know it's fine bella. I'm sorry to for just messing around" I smiled softly

She nodded and we both leaned in and placed a soft kiss against each others lips which we both melted into.

"I love you" she mumbled agaisnt my lips

"I love you more"


Authors note: I'm sorry this isn't the best but I'm trying my best to make cute one shots of bellatrix. If u have any requests feel free to tell me them.

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