You want a baby with me? Pt2

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One year later

Me and bellatrix were in the living room cuddling whilst baby Jodie was asleep upstairs. Jodie was born 2 months ago and she's is the sweetest cutest little baby I've ever seen. Bellatrix loves her to pieces she always wants to be with her and always wants to protect her.

"What do u want for dinner tonight darling?" Bellatrix asked kissing my cheek

"Hmm I think pasta again" I chuckled

"Pasta again, well if that's what u want them yeah course" she smiled pulling me into a loving kiss

That kiss got disturbed by Jodie crying from upstairs so me and bellatrix got up and headed to the bedroom. Jodie was screaming and tears where streaming down her face and bellatrix picked her up and started bouncing her up and down.

"Shh darling it's okay shh now" she whispered in a comforting voice to Jodie

Bellatrix carried on doing that and Jodie calmed down.

"I'll go make her a bottle bella you carry on like that and she will be relaxed" I smiled walking over to her kissing her cheek the same with Jodie

I walked downstairs into the kitchen and began making Jodie a bottle.

Bellatrix's pov

As I was making Jodie relax in my arms I began thinking of my y/n how far we have came. To this day I still can't believe we have a baby together I knew y/n wanted it so I gave it to her and I'm planning on tying the knot.

Since me and y/n have been together for 1 year and 6 months I realised I'm so in love with her and I always want to be by her side and want to be with her for the rest of my life.

I've already got the ring but I don't know when to do it I'm so nervous to and I'm not the person to be nervous but when it comes to things to do with y/n I do become like that. I noticed Jodie was making little noices so I sat down on the chair in the corner of her room and layed her down on my lap playing with her hair.

"What is it my darling girl" I said smiling as her tapping her nose softly

Her hands reached up to my hair tugging on it slightly making me chuckle.

"You wanna play with mammas hair baby" I said nodding at her

She done a little giggle and began playing with my hair. My heart melted seeing her like This she is the cutest.

"You know Jodie you look exactly like mama. Your so beautiful just like her but you have my hair the mad crazy hair sweetheart" I said squeezing her chubby cheeks

I heard y/n come upstairs and she entered the room and saw Jodie in my lap and she smiled at the both of us. She handed me the bottle of milk and I fed it to Jodie and she closed her eyes as she drank it.

"Baby we should get to bed soon it's nearly midnight" y/n said kissing the top of my head

"Yeah I know let's just wait till our little girl falls asleep"

I noticed Jodie drank all the milk and she fell asleep in my arms. I stood up and carried her back over to her cot and kissed her on the forehead and so did y/n. I placed her down into the cot and makes sure she was all warm.

Me and y/n walked out of the room and headed into ours which was just 2 doors down and we got into bed and cuddled and fell into a deep sleep.


Authors note: you guys wanted a part 2 so there you go:)

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