My little bean

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I was sitting on the couch in the library reading a book and rubbing my 6 month baby bump

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I was sitting on the couch in the library reading a book and rubbing my 6 month baby bump. Bellatrix was in the kitchen making my favourite food which I was craving which is pasta with cheese I can't wait until it's done. Bella has been helping me a lot lately and she won't stop talking about the day when the baby comes she can't wait.

"Baby your pasta is finished!" Bellatrix shouted from the kitchen

"Okay coming!" I shouted back

I placed my book down and headed into the kitchen to see my beautiful girlfriend placing the plate of pasta down for me on the table. I walked over to her and placed a kiss on her lips and she rested her hand on my baby bump making me smile.

"Hmm thank you baby for the pasta" I smiled

"Your welcome sugarplum. Anything for you"

We both sat down at the table and i began eating whilst bellatrix was full on staring at me with a slight blush on her face and she was smiling.

"W-what have I got something on me?" I chuckled

"No not at all. I just can't get over the fact that we're going to be having a little baby soon"

"I know I can't wait until she comes angel. We're going to be such perfect mothers"

Bellatrix nodded with tears in her eyes making me stand up and wrap my around around her neck. I placed a kiss on the top of her head and rubbed her back to comfort her.

"Shh baby it's okay stop crying or your going to make me cry. You know what my hormones are like"

"I know that darling" she laughed placing a kiss on my cheek

"I just can't wait until the Baby comes. I bet she's going to be as beautiful as you"

I blushed madly by her words and I carried on eating my pasta.


Me and bellatrix were now in bed and she was playing with my hair whilst rubbing my baby bump. I felt a little tired today but I wanted to stay up with my Bella.

"I love you y/n"

"I love you more Bella more than you know" I smiled

Bellatrix looked down at me with a huge smile on her face with a slight blush making me chuckle.

"I can't wait until our little bean is born. Can u imagine a little girl running around the manor" Bella said

"Me to darling I can't wait. We're all going to be one happy family" I said placing a kiss on her cheek

"I know and your going to be a perfect mother. She's going to look so beautiful like you"


Authors note: I don't know what this is but sorry it was short I just thought it was a cute idea.

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