| ●~ 3 - scaramouche

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Banner source: Hoyoverse Harbingers video

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
Scaramouche x Fatui!Reader ~ Special Underling
I wrote this so long ago so forgive me if there's
a lot of mistakes lmao
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

The Shnezayan air was cold.
It always was, because of course, you were in the land of Cryo. You've grown up here all your life, and now you're deliberately working for the Cryo archon herself.
You were, in fact, a Fatui Agent.
You gripped your thick uniform coat tighter, pulling it close to your body as you stepped in line with the other fatui agents. They were just as nervous as you, even if they didn't show it.
Why? It was because it was time for being selected to be taken under a Fatui Harbinger.
You've heard tales of Fatui Agents being beaten up, abused, or at life's end, under Fatui Harbingers for even the simplest mistakes.
You would have probably quit already, but the tiniest sliver of determination and confidence, that you could be successful in your skills and service to the Tsarista, drove you to be at this point.
This probably counted for the rest as well.
Absently, you trailed your hand down to your waist, where your Dendro vision hung, and you gripped it just to feel a little better.
"Attention all agents!" A very official-sounding voice boomed, and everyone started to straighten up.
A Fatui Skirmisher walked in front of the row of agents, scanning the line to make sure everyone was present.
"As you have heard, today you will be selected under respective Harbingers."
You gulped in nervousness.
"First, we shall have the 6th Harbinger pick his underlings." he continues.
No, it can't be..., you realize, isn't he the harshest one, I hope he doesn't pick m—
"Who is this?" The 6th harbinger points a finger at you.
"That is Y/N L/N."
"Alright then, Y/N L/N, I guess I'll pick you first. You at least seem decent enough to show respect." The 6th Harbinger remarks.
"Yes sir." You reply and step forward.
Suddenly, you feel a stinging pain on your cheek, and it took you a moment to realize he slapped you.
You hang your head low in apology.
"You are now my underling, and you must remember your place. I didn't give you permission to speak! Don't make me regret picking you," The Harbinger instructs, after turning away from you to call on a different agent.
Shit, it's only my first day under him and I've already messed up? Oh no, I better watch what I say then..., you thought to yourself.
You learned that the 6th harbinger's name was Scaramouche, or the Balladeer.

Over the next couple months and weeks or so, you found you weren't wrong about him being the harshest and cruelest Harbinger out there. You've seen him brutally torture fellow agents for talking out of turn or talking amongst themselves. For some reason, you've been lucky enough to to never get picked on by Scaramouche. Either you were lucky, or you really did follow his expectations to the t. You really hoped it was that second one, because that was your goal. Doing anything to prove yourself worthy, even if it meant getting oppressed by a certain Fatui Harbinger.
One day while you were sparring with someone, the very harbinger was watching your moves. You noticed his gaze out of the corner of your eye, but you brushed it off as just being judged as usual.

You moved at the right time as your opponent tried to land a kick on your neck. Ducking, you crouched down and quickly got back up, punching your opponent in the stomach. Your opponent was taken aback by the hit, and stumbled backwards. Taking advantage of the situation, you struck a kick on the side of his head and paused, letting the opponent get back up. Expecting to continue, you drew back into a fighting stance.
However, you heard a familiar voice.
You drop your hands and bow to the 6th Harbinger, Scaramouche.
"Well, well, well, look who's actually doing a decent job," Scaramouche retorts, "unlike most people here."
You simply nodded, keeping your head low and not speaking.
He slowly walked to your side and whispered into your ear.

"Good job fighting, underling."

You were let confused after. Did he just praise you? You couldn't tell if he was genuine or just trying to manipulate you.


"Hey... earth to N/N?? You've been staring at that dish for 2 minutes, hurry and eat it already." Your friend's voice says, as they waved a hand in front of your face. You were still thinking about that moment from hours ago, even as you were in the mess hall during dinner break.
Of course, as with spending time with others, you've made acquaintances with a couple of the agents also under the same Harbinger.
"Oh, sorry Alex, I was, uh, thinking about stuff, it's nothing at all, don't worry." You quickly respond.
"Alright then, Y/N..." they trailed off, poking their mashed potatoes with their spoon and taking a bite.
"Well Alex, I could tell you," you said, unsure, "about what's been slightly bothering me, if you'd prefer..."
"Of course I'd want to hear! I want my friends to feel better, obviously," Alex replied, smiling.


"Ooh, maybe you two have a spi-"
"NO WAY!" You exclaimed a little too loudly, and you anxiously looked around to make sure no one else was awake.
Maybe telling your only best friend about such a scene in the middle of the night in the barracks was a bad idea, but there was no going back. Once you tell something to a person like Alex, they'd want the whole story.
"You know, you might just be the death of me, Alex." You snapped, yell-whispering at Alex who threw you a smug look. They were clearly having too much fun with this.
"Haha, maybe. He's definitely throwing signs of 'you're a seriously remarkable underling; be mine please', based on how he treats you." Alex replies.
"The first part sounds mouse believable than the 'be mine please' part," you shot back.
Both of you freeze up to footsteps in the hallway, behind the closed door of the barracks.
"Might wanna get back to your bed before they find us," you warn Alex.
"Alright, alright, fine," Alex dons a serious look, slipping back into their bed as you lower your head onto your pillow.
"Just think about what I said~" Alex whispers to you teasingly as you stare at the ceiling in annoyance, somehow imagining that the turned-off light above your head was Alex's face. You could almost see their r/c hair thrown on top of their shoulder, with their signature freckles dotting their cheekbones, with that smug smile.
Your rolled your eyes as you glance back to the ceiling, and you realize you don't see Alex anymore, but you see that darned 6th harbinger staring back at you.
Of course, it wasn't real, but you couldn't stop yourself from staring at his features.
You never really realized how pretty he was, and it didn't take long for you to just be hyperfixated on the ceiling, as you slowly drift off to sleep.

~•~ Scara POV:

Ugh, what's with me these few days, the 6th harbinger pondered angrily. He was sitting in his armchair, staring out the moonlit window. His room was completely dark except for that window, shining down into his room as the faint light outlined his profile's features.
He would never let anyone except himself see him in this state, his hat off and on the ground, a hand carded through his hair.
Why did I have to tell that stupid Fatui agent they were doing well? It's not like me; they're gonna start assuming things, Scaramouche frustratingly considered, balling his hands into fists as he looks out the window.
That stupid, stupid Fatui underling — what's their name — Y/N, making me like this, Scaramouche pondered to himself, getting up and distressingly pacing his room, his bare feet making quiet patting sounds as he moved around.
It almost reminded him of his childhood. Being loved. Getting all the attention he needed to survive and almost like a person. It was...
That's right. He was experiencing human emotions and feelings.
How, though? Weren't they removed when he was created? He never had any in the first place.
His face suddenly brightened up, looking out the window.
Maybe, just maybe, I have a chance. To have emotions again, to feel human, he thought, but shook the thoughts away.
There was still a sliver of possibility in his brain, one that wouldn't leave him alone for the rest of the night.

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

Created July 28, 2022

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