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Lmaoo it's 2022 and i'm back with an update, sorry to keep y'all hanging for so long🥹 but i'm bored and decided to rekindle my old interests so... here's part 6!


I wake up feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin, still confused as i tried processing where i am. Squinting my eyes open i noticed the room i'm in was not familiar to my own. Fuck.
I feel asleep at Scott's place, my mom is going to kill me.

I looked over to my right to see scott's chest going up and down, his eyes still shut indicating his still in a rem state. I couldn't help but admire him, although our connection is deep and we're surely "just friends" i couldn't help the emotions that arise when i stare at him.

For a moment i forgot it was 8am and i needed to hurry back home, i sighed not wanting to be broken out of this delicate trance of my admiration for him.

I sighed, half panicking as i nudge him awake
"Scott" i whispered, still nudging him. I felt like the worse person ever hearing him moan & groan as i was waking him up out of his delicate sleep.

"Scott" i whispered/yelled once more and his eyelids started to flutter open.

"Oh shit." he groaned "Rubi fuck, i'm sorry i kept you here all night." he exclaimed as he realized the situation, hurriedly getting up off his bed.

"Ahhh, it's fine. Spending time with you is worth getting in trouble." i replied shyly, did i really just say that!? I mentally palmed myself.

I got up and gathered my things, and checked my phone noticing a few missed calls from my mom. I groaned.

"I take it that your mom isn't too pleased." he says as he noticed my mood change as soon as i checked my phone.

"Yeah...." Was all i could say.

"Okay, well let's go i'll walk you home, i could even talk to your mom and let her know it was a simple mistake," he said as he took my hand walking me out his room

"We simply took a nap and you didn't hear the alarm waking you up."

it sounded like the responsible thing to do, and i'm glad he's willing to help me through this. I'm pretty sure my mom will appreciate the honesty coming from them both.

"Great idea, scott." i smiled as we walked out the door, still my hand in his. I didn't even notice that we were still holding hands until now, a bolt of electricity shivered up my spine and i grew nervous at our physical contact.

I'm pretty sure my hand was sweating, my heart was pounding and i removed my hand from his as i acted like i had to check something in my backpack for and excuse.

I'm pretty sure i felt the disappointment coming from him in the air when he realized what happened.

i decided to break the awkwardness with conversation.

"Thank you Scott, i had a great day yesterday going thrifting with you." i smiled.

"Yea, we need to do this more often." he said taking out his cigarettes from his back pocket and lighting it.

My house was only a 5 minute walk so the rest of the way we just walked in comfortable silence, i just listened to Scott huff and puff on his cigarette.

"Ok ahhh we're here, are you sure you want to throw yourself into this?" i asked as i was now on the top of the steps leading to my house. "I can really take all the blame, you don't have to." i reassured as i watched his brows furrow.

He threw his cig down stomping it out.
"Anything for you." he said with a slight smile, my heart was beating fast. He really was the best.

When we went in my mom was in the kitchen, when she noticed me she gave me a look of disappointment, knowing that we both trust eachother and i've never broken a rule before.

"Rubi," she started, and she got startled when she seen Scott followed behind me. "Oh, & Mr. Scott." she said coming up to us.

I was nervous about this all, not knowing how my mom would react to his presence.

"Hi ms. Hill," Scott says as he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly "It's all my fault, i
kept her out late and should have been more responsible getting her home on time."

My mom looked at him for a second, and then looked at me. A sly smile on her face.
"I appreciate your honesty and thank you for the apology."  she says "Look, i know what it's like the be young once and sometimes not following the rules, but next time just answer my calls rubi so that i can know you're safe."

I nodded, feeling bad that i could've atleast heard my phone ringing. But i was grateful, my mom was always so understanding.

"Now you kids get in here, i just made some breakfast so help yourselves." My mom smiled at us both.

this went better than i expected, i gave my mom a hug and promised her it won't happen again and i'll be more communicative. I mean, i was her only child.

We spent the morning eating, and talking and my mom getting to know Scott more. I can tell she was taken away by him and im sure him showing up today left a good impression on her.

"The food was amazing Ms. Hill thank you again." Scott said as he got up to put his dishes away in the sink.

"Oh no problem, well i'll leave you kids to it. I'm going to go rest." She replied walking away to her room, i know she was exhausted from her shift.

"Well.... " Scott trailed off "i think we're off to a great start." Scott says as he was reflecting on his interaction with my mom.

"Yea, thank you for showing up and helping me with this, it just shows just how kind you are." I smiled.

"Like i said, anything for you." he said gazing into my eyes, i felt a spark and instantly looked away. i just smiled.

"Well, i think i should get going, i'm gonna go work on some music and stuff." he said stuffing his hands into his pockets.

He was such an artist, a creative with a genius mind.

"Ok well i can't wait to hear what you're working on." I replied as i walked him to the door.
"Text me when you make it home." I said once more, he nodded and extended his hand for me to shake. It was an awkward embrace but it was definitely a friendly gesture, i giggled at the thought.

"Will do, thanks for the amazing night. See you soon." he replies, walking away and heading home.

Ahh, i really think he's very special. He makes me feel seen and heard, and our connection is undeniably there and present. But i'm not too sure where we're headed, i'm just glad to have a friend.

I walked to the kitchen and cleaned up, knowing it will help out my mom and she was kind enough to cook and feed a stranger she just met not even a day ago.

As i walked upstairs i heard my phone vibrate, knowing it was Scott probably telling me he made it home.

I laid down on my bed and read the text.

MESCUDI: Hey, i made it. I can't wait to see you again.

My heart fluttered and pounded through my chest, i guess we'll just see where this goes....

OK well, yea um im back. This was just a filler chapter and i'll be uploading more frequently now(: i hope y'all enjoy! Sorry for the LONGGGGGG wait. 🫶🏾

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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