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books, books are what keep me entertained in this world. I't feels as if i have nothing else that does. the feels and chills of reading a good book is a feeling indescribable, i love it.

it was a beautiful day and i decided that i should go long-boarding to the park, and read some books under the shade of a tree, my favorite thing to do. call me weird, i dont care. i just like the fact that im not a normal teen who gets on the phone all the time on social media to replace their boredom. i like being outside in nature and doing something productive like read, draw, paint, learn etc. things that could better me. well maybe im not your average teen, maybe thats why im so lonely and spend my days alone because i know im not like most and i cant really connect with others on a mental level.

i grabbed my phone off my charger and plugged my earphones in and plopped them in my ear, making my way downstairs.
my mom wasn't at home, and i dont have a dad he died when i was 5. i didnt really know him like that, and i am the only child so my life always been pretty lonely.

i put my phone secure in my backpocket, so it wouldn't fall out when i was skating. i kicked my leg out, and started to skate. zooming down my neighborhood, i felt invincible, unstoppable and good. The wind was blowing my curls back, and the sun was shinning down.

i soon made it to my neighborhood park, and hopped off my long board and carried to the spot i always go to by my lake. it was so peaceful and it had a beautiful view of nature.

i sat under the tree, and read a book I've recently discovered. amy talkingtons, 'liv forever.' and i love it so far. its interesting and it escapes my mind from reality. my reality atleast.

i was broken out of my thoughts when i heard humming, i turned around and looked and noticed a familiar looking boy. It was scott, why was he here? i quickly turned around hoping he didnt notice me.

im not actually trying to avoid him on purpose, only because he makes me nervous. He shows interest in me, no other guy has ever shown. im not used to it.

"rubi?" fuck. he noticed me, sitting under this tree.

"oh scott, how did you get here?" i questioned, acting surprised as if i didn't already see him before.

"i live right down the street, just moved here actually and i wanted an escape so i came to this park," he paused and sat right next to me.

"why are you here?" he questioned.

"same reason actually." i replied, it actually made me quite happy that we live by eachother for some unknown reason, maybe we could be good friends.

"oh fuck yeah awesome!" he exclaimed, and i laughed by how cute he was. i studied him, he had on a flannel and some black skinnys and vans. i loved his style and he interested me alot, not too many people do.

"it is so crazy that we live right by eachother, and we just met yesterday maybe we were made to be connected." he says my heart start beating fast, and i grew nervous all over again. it was an awkward pause.

"i mean, connected as in friends haha." he awkwardly smiled, i was a bit taken back but i know he said that to cover up the awkwardness.

"oh no, i knew what you meant." i smiled.

"so i see that you like reading, thats cool. your not like others and i sense that about you." he smiled.

"aw thanks," i smiled still confused as to all this interest he's showing me." i sense that about you too, its rare that we do have people on different waves here." i added.

"yeah i sense that, everyone is all the fucking same. but not you, you stand out. i like that." he said, taking a cig from his ear putting it into his mouth, smoking it and staring at the sky. the sun was setting and it was a beautiful view.

i couldn't even reply, not that i wasn't thankful of what he had said because it made my heart pound heavily in my chest. it made a weird feeling grow over me, a guy actually noticing me? no way.

we sat in silence, watching the sunset. admiring it, and it wasn't even an awkward silence but more like a  comfortable one. we've barely even known each other for more than 24 hours but i already feel comfortable with him. weird.

"the sky, its so pretty." i said in awe.

"yeah it is, i always loved sunsets. the feel it gives me, its quite like inspiration. it inspires me to do something, to create. just simply by looking at the sky." he says, wow his thoughts. it reminded me of mine.

"wow, same. i thought i was the only one who views it like that." i looked up at him, but quickly looked away.

"im not like the others baby." he softly spoke.

"well, i should be going." i said getting up and grabbing my long board "my mom should be home soon and i dont want her worrying." i lied. my mom doesn't actually care, i just couldn't be around him. i saw too much of myself in him and i didn't wanna get to close to him.

"aw, well can i atleast walk you?" he insisted, i hesitated for a but but i said yes.

the walk to my house we made small talk,getting to know eachother a little more. we're actually pretty much the same. we share the same interests and he's so cool. fuck, i could feel myself already attaching to him so quickly and i dont like it.

we soon arrived to my house.

"wow dude we actually live right by eachother thats so cool." he said.

"yeah it actually is." i smiled looking down.

"well i guess im going to get going, see you at school tomorrow." he said stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"yeah see ya." i said beginning to open my door.

"oh wait," he says making me turn around.
"can i get your number? just to keep in contact with, ya know." he said awkwardly thinking that i would say no.

"of course." i smiled, grabbing his phone putting my number in it, "text me anytime."

"alright cool," he smiled grabbing his phone."bye."

i walked inside my house, closed the door and peeked out the window of my dinning room to see him smiling, turning around and walking away. im a creep, but i just like looking at him.

i closed my blinds, with a huge smile plastered on my face. i am kinda happy, glad something interesting is finally starting to happen in my life.

i took a shower, and got prepared for bed. i heard my phone ring knowing it was scott, but i decided to text back in the morning. i was still stuck on the fact that he actually notices me.

i was happy, yet confused.

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